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  SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released (Message 1 to 10 of 12)  
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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 3 Jan 2004 14:34:33
Message: <3ff71949$1@news.povray.org>
What is SMPOV?
SMPOV is a System that splits renderjobs into smaller parts which can be
rendered at the same time by multiple CPU's local (SMP) or distributed in a

Actual state of SMPOV:
The POV-Ray Community is quite busy so 4711 SMPOV downloads have been
counted from all over the world.

What is NEW in 3.60?
 The amazing news are:
1. Support for Resolutions up to 12200x12200 at no extra cost.
2. The readme file describes 3 new network-rendering-topologies, for
"Cross-Rendering" - You can share the COM-Folder with friends, then everyone
can use everyones machine for POV-Ray rendering (with tiling - or without!).
Two examples:
"Shared Render-Pool" - you can share a "pool of Render-PC's" with other
"VPN-Internet Rendering" - you can use SMPOV via the Internet therefore you
need to use a VPN for safety reasons. New is that you can share the
rendering resources over the Internet with others.
3. Speed of the RenderAgents and the distribution-process has been
4. Still there is NO Spyware in SMPOV and it does NOT connect to the
Internet other then through a VPN.
5. Includes a "Moray-Message Remover" WinRobot. If you use Moray you may get
a popup-Message when SMPOV starts multiple Instances of POV-Ray.
6. There are a lot of improvements in details fixing small weaknesses of the
past, which could make things not work in rare cases. I wont tell them all
here. Try it...
7. Not changed: Full support for POV Ray 3.5 as well as Mega-POV 1.0

Link: http://www.it-berater.org/smpov.htm

--Theo Gottwald
Distributed Network-Rendering or Local SMP-Rendering. With SMPOV and
POV-Ray 3.5. * Download free at: http://www.it-berater.org/smpov.htm

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 3 Jan 2004 18:41:08
Message: <3ff75314@news.povray.org>
Theo Gottwald * * * <yne### [at] it-beraterorg> wrote:
> 1. Support for Resolutions up to 12200x12200 at no extra cost.

  Why such a low limitation? Some technical reason for that?

> 4. Still there is NO Spyware in SMPOV and it does NOT connect to the
> Internet other then through a VPN.

  I don't understand why this has to be explicitly said. This should be
taken for granted (most importantly because I'm sure that distributing
an adware version of POV-Ray would be outrageously against povlegal).

plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}//  - Warp -

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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 4 Jan 2004 03:07:48
Message: <3ff7c9d4@news.povray.org>
Hi Warp,

> > 1. Support for Resolutions up to 12200x12200 at no extra cost.
>   Why such a low limitation? Some technical reason for that?
Just that I did not test higher Resolutions on my 1 GHz machine. If you need
more, just ask me
then you get a "eat on your own risk cake" for testing. It was really just
that I thought noone
would need more. For what do you need more? Theoretically I would say that
there is only a technical limitation in PicPender-2 for the output file to
be smaller then 2 GB :-) because thats the stringsize-limit.
This has to be tested if there is interest for that ...

> > 4. Still there is NO Spyware in SMPOV and it does NOT connect to the
> > Internet other then through a VPN.
>   I don't understand why this has to be explicitly said. This should be
> taken for granted (most importantly because I'm sure that distributing
> an adware version of POV-Ray would be outrageously against povlegal).
Since last version it has some "hardcoded advertisment" for my brothers
diving base
in Thailand. Besides that you are right, I would NEVER produce anything that
Spyware (so long i don't get an contract from NSA for that :-))))). However
I really wanted to say that explicitly so everyone can be shure about that.
Also the fact that you know explicitly that SMPOV will NOT connect to the
under no circumstances is something that is worth to be told.
For me, if I have such an statement, its more easy for me to trust the
as well as the author.

kind regards

Theo Gottwald

Tel. +49 ((0)721) 9 66 33-00

Fax  +49 ((0)721) 9 66 33-99

E-Mail: the### [at] it-beraterorg


http://www.it-berater.org *


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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 Distri 12 right now updated
Date: 4 Jan 2004 09:29:12
Message: <3ff82338@news.povray.org>
I got a reworked readme-file from Bob Hughes ( http://www.3digitaleyes.com )
thanks Bob all help is welcome!

And I added another small WinRobot to the distribution "Dr-SMPOV.exe".
This is a small Expert-Robot which will automatically check/correct all
Settings for
Local SMP-rendering if its started at the final location.


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From: Hughes, B 
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 Distri 12 right now updated
Date: 4 Jan 2004 22:36:31
Message: <3ff8dbbf$1@news.povray.org>
Great, thanks Theo! And you have another e-mail with the final readme.txt
file editing I think it will undergo, by me anyway. Should be fairly
printable, and some of us know how printed instructions can help.


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From: ABX
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 5 Jan 2004 02:18:14
Message: <5e3ivv8s2doq3bltf3parfrdnr44hf5o2o@4ax.com>
On 3 Jan 2004 18:41:08 -0500, Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
> distributing an adware version of POV-Ray

SMPOV is not version of POV-Ray.
Theo does not distribute any custom compile.


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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 6 Jan 2004 08:01:15
Message: <3ffab19b$1@news.povray.org>
Maybe its a mixing betwen an shell and a pipeline :-).

You put renderjobs in at the right side.
And on the other side it produces pictures using all the resources between.

Actually I changed something around the "times.log", so benchmarking is more
easy and more exact.
I plan to release a new web-site showing "how to save time with SMPOV" (and
how not :-).
This shall include some benchmarks.

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 6 Jan 2004 08:03:59
Message: <3ffab23f@news.povray.org>
ABX <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote:
> SMPOV is not version of POV-Ray.
> Theo does not distribute any custom compile.

  I see. Sorry for the confusion.

#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}//  - Warp -

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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 6 Jan 2004 18:56:28
Message: <3ffb4b2c$1@news.povray.org>
You're welcome :-). I am quite happy that the POV-Ray community is so active
and so engaged
about these things.
Now to the news:


is in a first version online. I think it should be intresting for everyone
who has been thinking about rendering things parallel, as it contains some
benchmarks with SMPOV, as well as theoretical conclusions on overhead and
rendering-time dependencies. Comments (especially on english grammar :-) are

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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: SMPOV 3.60 with amazing new features released
Date: 8 Jan 2004 09:47:30
Message: <cjameshuff-BA1676.09473608012004@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3ffab23f@news.povray.org>, Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> 

> ABX <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote:
> > SMPOV is not version of POV-Ray.
> > Theo does not distribute any custom compile.
>   I see. Sorry for the confusion.

The name doesn't exactly make that clear...especially when **POV is such 
an established convention for custom POV versions. I guess it's too late 
to change now...

Still, the lack of spyware doesn't strike me as an "amazing" feature, 
and if it's really a *new* feature, meaning previous versions had 
spyware, then I will never use the software.

Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tagpovrayorg>

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