POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs Server Time
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  I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs (Message 1 to 10 of 13)  
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From: KEBman
Subject: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 10:30:00
Message: <web.49ae9df5dad153849e20a6d00@news.povray.org>
Yes, that's what I want. I think it's lame to blame it on malfunctioning PowerPC
emulator when you should have made the binary work on both PowerPC and Intel
Macs in the first place. I really hope you'll fix this, because even though I
can write a POV-file, I'm not a computer scientist.

Now, of course I know this is freeware, and I'm really thankful for the effort,
but if I hear more excuses, please read the book The Design of Everyday Things
by Donald Norman.

I have an Intel Mac, a PowerBook Pro in fact, and I think it's such a shame to
have to use a moldy old PC laptop to render my pic's (in general I hate
touching PC's, but when you gotta, you gotta) - a thing that takes for ever
too. I also love the POV-Ray program interface and ease of use, thus I see no
point in even using the Mac for editing POV-files...

So PLLLLLEEEEASE make an update for Intel Mac's! =)

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 11:03:57
Message: <49aea66d$1@news.povray.org>
KEBman wrote:
> Yes, that's what I want. I think it's lame to blame it on malfunctioning PowerPC
> emulator when you should have made the binary work on both PowerPC and Intel
> Macs in the first place.

You do realize that Apple shifted from one day to the other from PowerPC to 
x86 with no advance warning except for their largest software vendors, Adobe 
and Microsoft? To ask a software released before that move to support 
something that was not known at the time is a joke, and a bad one!

 > The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman

Which is a really nice book discussing issues that have absolutely nothing 
to do with POV-Ray - but maybe you could recommend it to people at Apple 
that change directions at light speed without regard for backward 

	Thorsten, POV-Team

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 11:20:00
Message: <web.49aea9289a11612563a1b7c30@news.povray.org>
"KEBman" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Yes, that's what I want. I think it's lame to blame it on malfunctioning PowerPC
> emulator when you should have made the binary work on both PowerPC and Intel
> Macs in the first place. I really hope you'll fix this, because even though I
> can write a POV-file, I'm not a computer scientist.

First of all, be assured that in no way do I speak for the POV-Team, and that
I'm certainly no computer scientist either.  In fact they may be getting sick
of me saying this, but if you're desperate enough to run it on an old slow
computer, it's probably worth the trouble just to download XCode from Apple,
compile POV-Ray yourself from the Unix/Linux source, and be on your way.  It's
very easy.  This approach works the same for POV-Ray, MegaPOV, and MCPov.
There are also good text editors (vi, for example) that, although there may be
a learning curve, do excellent POV-Ray formatting.  I really, genuinely, hope
this doesn't sound rude, but sometimes it's true that when you want something
done right, you need to do it yourself.  If I had a binary of the GUI program,
I'd send it to you, but unfortunately this is the only advice I can really
offer.  Let me know if you'd like any more details or help.

 - Ricky

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From: Bill Pragnell
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 11:20:01
Message: <web.49aea9c19a1161256dd25f0b0@news.povray.org>
"KEBman" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I have an Intel Mac, a PowerBook Pro in fact, and I think it's such a shame to
> have to use a moldy old PC laptop to render my pic's (in general I hate
> touching PC's, but when you gotta, you gotta) - a thing that takes for ever
> too. I also love the POV-Ray program interface and ease of use, thus I see no
> point in even using the Mac for editing POV-files...

I say this every time someone posts this problem: use MegaPOV until the
situation is resolved one way or another. That's what I do. It's based on POV
3.6.1, uses all the same includes etc, and is a universal binary, equally happy
on either architecture. True, the editor is a little different, but you get used
to it.

Maybe not the ideal solution, but better than switching computers all the time,
or (perish the thought) giving up on POV-Ray entirely... :-)


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From: triple r
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 11:20:01
Message: <web.49aeaa149a11612563a1b7c30@news.povray.org>
"KEBman" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> So PLLLLLEEEEASE make an update for Intel Mac's! =)

I have not tried this, but it sounds like MegaPOV might also be a solution for
Intel macs:


 - Ricky

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 11:35:01
Message: <web.49aead4d9a11612563a1b7c30@news.povray.org>
"Bill Pragnell" <bil### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> Maybe not the ideal solution, but better than switching computers all the time,
> or (perish the thought) giving up on POV-Ray entirely... :-)
> http://megapov.inetart.net/

Blast!  Beaten to the punch.

 - Ricky

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 12:25:01
Message: <web.49aeb88c9a116125bdc576310@news.povray.org>
"triple_r" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> First of all, be assured that in no way do I speak for the POV-Team, and that
> I'm certainly no computer scientist either.  In fact they may be getting sick
> of me saying this, but if you're desperate enough to run it on an old slow
> computer, it's probably worth the trouble just to download XCode from Apple,
> compile POV-Ray yourself from the Unix/Linux source, and be on your way.  It's
> very easy.  This approach works the same for POV-Ray, MegaPOV, and MCPov.
> There are also good text editors (vi, for example) that, although there may be
> a learning curve, do excellent POV-Ray formatting.  I really, genuinely, hope
> this doesn't sound rude, but sometimes it's true that when you want something
> done right, you need to do it yourself.

Isn't that the very basis for most open source projects?

If you want something done right and nobody else seems to be doing it, just go
ahead, do it yourself - then go the extra mile to let others participate...

So why not join the POV team as a volunteer to officially bringing POV to Intel
Mac users? Even if it's just that you'd be the one to compile the official
binary ready to install. Or just write a how-to. Anything that gets other
Intel-Mac users closer to fulfilment of their dreams will probably be

Unless of course you're afraid that the users you'd be helping would complain
that you weren't helping them enough or that you were doing it wrong.

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 4 Mar 2009 13:05:01
Message: <web.49aec2589a11612563a1b7c30@news.povray.org>
"clipka" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> So why not join the POV team as a volunteer to officially bringing POV to Intel
> Mac users? Even if it's just that you'd be the one to compile the official
> binary ready to install. Or just write a how-to. Anything that gets other
> Intel-Mac users closer to fulfilment of their dreams will probably be
> appreciated.

Insufficient time/knowledge.  It doesn't seem it has been ported over from
CodeWarrior to something more current, and I wouldn't know where to start.  The
command-line approach seems to turn many people off and indicate a
non-user-friendly program.  If MegaPOV works, then it's probably the best
option currently available.  It might make sense to note on the download page
that it's a valid option, rather than just turn people away with an apology.

 - Ricky

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From: Bill Pragnell
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 5 Mar 2009 04:10:00
Message: <web.49af96309a1161256dd25f0b0@news.povray.org>
"triple_r" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "Bill Pragnell" <bil### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> > Maybe not the ideal solution, but better than switching computers all the time,
> > or (perish the thought) giving up on POV-Ray entirely... :-)
> >
> > http://megapov.inetart.net/
> Blast!  Beaten to the punch.

Maybe, but look at the timestamps on our posts... ;-)

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From: KEBman
Subject: Re: I want a working POV-Ray for Intel Macs
Date: 22 Jun 2009 20:35:01
Message: <web.4a4022299a11612536f9d8b0@news.povray.org>
I checked what a compiler is on Wikipedia, and it seemed a bit beyond my int...
in... capacity for being smart.

Seeing as Intel Macs are now the standard, and since people are buying Intel
Macs in droves, will the next release of fantastic POV-Ray be for Intel Macs?

I sure hope so! =) 'Cause I LOVE POV-Ray! If you do that, imagine a little
puppy-dog running around you in circles. That would be me.

I don't know about this Mega-POW program, though... What's the catch? I like the
real thing. You can't beat the feeling.

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