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What exactly does it mean??
It seems to happen when using the orthographic. Adjusting the angle helps
fixing it somehow. To my understanding changing angle doesn't change the
vector direction but the vector size. What am I understanding wrong..??
When it says camera vectors, does it mean direction, up, and right??
camera { // This one posts a warning
angle 40
location < -1500,1000,-1600>
look_at <-100,-200,500>
camera { // This one doesn't
angle 35
location < -1500,1000,-1600>
look_at <-100,-200,500>
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From: Sasathorn Phaspinyo
Subject: Re: HELP !!! "Camera vectors are not perpendicular"
Date: 25 Dec 2003 22:33:21
Message: <3febac01@news.povray.org>
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Just want to add more to it..
Sometimes, without "angle" it doesn't warn.. Sometimes, it does, then you
add "angle" and it's OK..
Or sometimes, you have "angle" it's not OK.. and you get rid of "angle" it's
OK again.. reading help within the program doesn't help at all for me.. I'm
still quite blank on "up" and "right"..
"MrJuB" <sas### [at] mtuthai co th> wrote in message
> What exactly does it mean??
> It seems to happen when using the orthographic. Adjusting the angle helps
> fixing it somehow. To my understanding changing angle doesn't change the
> vector direction but the vector size. What am I understanding wrong..??
> When it says camera vectors, does it mean direction, up, and right??
> camera { // This one posts a warning
> orthographic
> angle 40
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
> camera { // This one doesn't
> orthographic
> angle 35
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
> Thanx
> J.
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On Thu, 25 Dec 2003 20:48:54 EST, "MrJuB" <sas### [at] mtuthai co th>
>What exactly does it mean??
It means that up right and direction are not perpendicular. While POV
will have no problem rendering the picture (unless two of them
coincide), the vista buffer depends on orthogonal camera vectors and
will be switched off.
If you manually specify your up and right vectors, make sure you give
them a proper direction (pun intended). For example this is a very
common mistake:
camera {
location ...
look_at ...
right 16/9 // or 2.35 or 5/3 etc.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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From: Sasathorn Phaspinyo
Subject: Re: HELP !!! "Camera vectors are not perpendicular"
Date: 26 Dec 2003 04:51:31
Message: <3fec04a3@news.povray.org>
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But what if I'm not explicitly specifying up right and direction vectors..
something like what I showed..
camera { // This one posts a warning
angle 40
location < -1500,1000,-1600>
look_at <-100,-200,500>
camera { // This one doesn't
angle 35
location < -1500,1000,-1600>
look_at <-100,-200,500>
can you tell what my up right and direction vectors are exactly in each
one?? Aren't they the same because "angle" only altering the sizes of the
vectors not the directions?? I can't tell if they aren't perpendicular if I
don't know what they are..
Thanx again
"Peter Popov" <pet### [at] vip bg> wrote in message
> On Thu, 25 Dec 2003 20:48:54 EST, "MrJuB" <sas### [at] mtuthai co th>
> wrote:
> >What exactly does it mean??
> It means that up right and direction are not perpendicular. While POV
> will have no problem rendering the picture (unless two of them
> coincide), the vista buffer depends on orthogonal camera vectors and
> will be switched off.
> If you manually specify your up and right vectors, make sure you give
> them a proper direction (pun intended). For example this is a very
> common mistake:
> camera {
> location ...
> look_at ...
> right 16/9 // or 2.35 or 5/3 etc.
> }
> Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
> Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
> TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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MrJuB wrote:
> camera { // This one posts a warning
> orthographic
> angle 40
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
> camera { // This one doesn't
> orthographic
> angle 35
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
That sounds like a bug to me. According to the documentation, angle only
changes the length of the direction vector, location is a fundamental
camera parameter on its own (independent of up, right, direction), and
look_at only rotates the camera, none of which should change the angles
between up, right and direction.
Furthermore, the warning disappears if you scale location and look_at
camera { // no warning orthographic angle 40 location <
-150,100,-160> look_at <-10,-20,50>}
Adding some debug code outputting the camera vectors to the POV-Ray source
shows that it is indeed a precision issue: In the first case,
right = <1692.664786, 0.000000, -1128.443191>
up = <364.320650, 1381.382466, 546.480975>
direction = <0.915289, -0.784534, 1.372934>
right.up = -1.589516e-10
right.direction = -1.110369e-13
up.direction = 1.941461e-13
epsilon = 1.000000e-10
i.e. because right and up are so long, |right.up| > epsilon. Maybe the
vectors should be normalized before taking their dot product, or something
like this.
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> camera { // no warning orthographic angle 40 location <
> -150,100,-160> look_at <-10,-20,50>}
Whoops, that should read:
camera { // no warning
angle 40
location <-150,100,-160>
look_at <-10,-20,50>
Pan's "rewrap" messed it up...
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: HELP !!! "Camera vectors are not perpendicular"
Date: 26 Dec 2003 07:13:32
Message: <3fec25ec@news.povray.org>
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In article <pan### [at] gmx ch> , Christian Walther
<cwa### [at] gmx ch> wrote:
> i.e. because right and up are so long, |right.up| > epsilon. Maybe the
> vectors should be normalized before taking their dot product, or something
> like this.
Which would introduce other precision problems :-( Probably scaling EPSILON
up rather than the vectors down would help. Any any case, the warning as
displayed is valid because they vectors are really not perpendicular. So
they scene should be adjusted to use shorter vectors, which result in more
available precision.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: HELP !!! "Camera vectors are not perpendicular"
Date: 26 Dec 2003 07:14:47
Message: <3fec2637@news.povray.org>
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In article <3febac01@news.povray.org> , "Sasathorn Phaspinyo"
<sas### [at] mtuthai co th> wrote:
> Just want to add more to it..
> Sometimes, without "angle" it doesn't warn.. Sometimes, it does, then you
> add "angle" and it's OK..
> Or sometimes, you have "angle" it's not OK.. and you get rid of "angle" it's
> OK again.. reading help within the program doesn't help at all for me.. I'm
> still quite blank on "up" and "right"..
Maybe you need to brush up your math skills. The camera logic is not
trivial to understand without sufficient understanding of vector math.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
> In article <pan### [at] gmx ch> , Christian Walther
> <cwa### [at] gmx ch> wrote:
>> i.e. because right and up are so long, |right.up| > epsilon. Maybe the
>> vectors should be normalized before taking their dot product, or
>> something like this.
> Which would introduce other precision problems :-( Probably scaling
> EPSILON up rather than the vectors down would help.
Right, the numerical error would probably be smaller if one calculated the
dot product first and then scaled it down (or epsilon up) by the product
of the vector lenghts. But as far as I see in the source, the dot product
calculation at that place is only used to decide whether to show the
warning, so numerical accurracy shouldn't be a big concern. But the
present code is flawed because the bounds for the angle (within which it
is accepted as "perpendicular") depend on the lenghts of the vectors.
> Any any case, the warning as displayed is valid because they vectors are
> really not perpendicular.
Sure, but they are very close to perpendicularity. Sufficiently close not
to require a warning, IMHO. And as you can see, it confuses people. Maybe
it would help if the warning would include some numbers, so that one could
camera definition), or if it's just numerical error. Additionally, if
there is an error in the camera definition, one would probably find it
faster if one knew the angles.
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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: HELP !!! "Camera vectors are not perpendicular"
Date: 26 Dec 2003 08:28:42
Message: <3fec378a@news.povray.org>
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> When it says camera vectors, does it mean direction, up, and right??
Since nobody said it clearly: orthographic cameras are much easier to deal
with using the up and right vectors since they define the size of the
viewing area (in POV units).
#declare Size=10;
location ...
up y*Size
right x*Size*image_width/image_height
look_at ...
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