MrJuB wrote:
> camera { // This one posts a warning
> orthographic
> angle 40
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
> camera { // This one doesn't
> orthographic
> angle 35
> location < -1500,1000,-1600>
> look_at <-100,-200,500>
> }
That sounds like a bug to me. According to the documentation, angle only
changes the length of the direction vector, location is a fundamental
camera parameter on its own (independent of up, right, direction), and
look_at only rotates the camera, none of which should change the angles
between up, right and direction.
Furthermore, the warning disappears if you scale location and look_at
camera { // no warning orthographic angle 40 location <
-150,100,-160> look_at <-10,-20,50>}
Adding some debug code outputting the camera vectors to the POV-Ray source
shows that it is indeed a precision issue: In the first case,
right = <1692.664786, 0.000000, -1128.443191>
up = <364.320650, 1381.382466, 546.480975>
direction = <0.915289, -0.784534, 1.372934>
right.up = -1.589516e-10
right.direction = -1.110369e-13
up.direction = 1.941461e-13
epsilon = 1.000000e-10
i.e. because right and up are so long, |right.up| > epsilon. Maybe the
vectors should be normalized before taking their dot product, or something
like this.
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