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some person asked me to do some tuning and re-rendering of an 3d scene.
Scene looks quite like PovRAY, but it is in files called *.ray and the
syntax is a bit different (simplifierd, like without barces etc), example
file looks like:
box s_stone_light -480.625 -234.395 0 -462.2468 234.395 9.25
cylinder s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 -480.625 234.395 8.25
disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 0 -1 0
disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 234.395 8.25 0 1 0
box s_stone_light -462.2468 -234.395 9.25 -444.8686 234.395 18.5
cylinder s_stone_light 1 -462.2468 -234.395 17.5 -462.2468 234.395 17.5
box s_stone_light -444.8686 -234.395 18.5 -435.826 234.395 27.75
cylinder s_stone_light 1 -444.8686 -234.395 26.75 -444.8686 234.395 26.75
/* the main corners of the dome */
name u_corner_type1 list
box s_stone_light 0 0 0 -99.7364 38.7564 654.75
cylinder s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 127.2644 -99.7364
38.7564 257.7134
disc s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 127.2644 0 0 -1
disc s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 257.7134 0 0 1
cylinder s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 385.2389 -99.7364
any idea how can I convert to .pov? It looks like this file could be
converted perfectly in "1 to 1 scale" - just some converter to reorganize
syntactics of file...
Files are from page:
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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I tried it by myself one year ago with these old files from Nathan o'Brian.
It is extremely time consuming to do it by hand, which is what I tried.
Despite looking easy, I was only successful in small parts, because the csg
affords too much concentration.
The most important Rayshade scene description formate rules can be seen at
There is no converter of .ray to .pov files except one, but IIRC this
utility only handles meshes (don't find the name).
If you find one, I would be glad to hear from you.
Norbert Kern
"Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <spa### [at] raf256 com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi,
> some person asked me to do some tuning and re-rendering of an 3d scene.
> Scene looks quite like PovRAY, but it is in files called *.ray and the
> syntax is a bit different (simplifierd, like without barces etc), example
> file looks like:
> box s_stone_light -480.625 -234.395 0 -462.2468 234.395 9.25
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 -480.625 234.395 8.25
> disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 0 -1 0
> disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 234.395 8.25 0 1 0
> box s_stone_light -462.2468 -234.395 9.25 -444.8686 234.395 18.5
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -462.2468 -234.395 17.5 -462.2468 234.395 17.5
> box s_stone_light -444.8686 -234.395 18.5 -435.826 234.395 27.75
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -444.8686 -234.395 26.75 -444.8686 234.395 26.75
> /* the main corners of the dome */
> name u_corner_type1 list
> difference
> difference
> box s_stone_light 0 0 0 -99.7364 38.7564 654.75
> list
> cylinder s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 127.2644 -99.7364
> 38.7564 257.7134
> disc s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 127.2644 0 0 -1
> disc s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 257.7134 0 0 1
> cylinder s_stone_light 29.327 -99.7364 38.7564 385.2389 -99.7364
> 38.7564
> any idea how can I convert to .pov? It looks like this file could be
> converted perfectly in "1 to 1 scale" - just some converter to reorganize
> syntactics of file...
> Files are from page:
> http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/exhibits/rayshade/church/
> --
> http://www.raf256.com/3d/
> Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
> Computer Graphics
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> Scene looks quite like PovRAY, but it is in files called *.ray and the
> syntax is a bit different (simplifierd, like without barces etc), example
> file looks like:
> box s_stone_light -480.625 -234.395 0 -462.2468 234.395 9.25
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 -480.625 234.395 8.25
> disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 -234.395 8.25 0 -1 0
> disc s_stone_light 1 -480.625 234.395 8.25 0 1 0
> box s_stone_light -462.2468 -234.395 9.25 -444.8686 234.395 18.5
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -462.2468 -234.395 17.5 -462.2468 234.395 17.5
> box s_stone_light -444.8686 -234.395 18.5 -435.826 234.395 27.75
> cylinder s_stone_light 1 -444.8686 -234.395 26.75 -444.8686 234.395 26.75
It is this model
> any idea how can I convert to .pov? It looks like this file could be
> converted perfectly in "1 to 1 scale" - just some converter to reorganize
> syntactics of file...
COnverting to POVRay is non trivial but I was under the impression that
someone had already done it....sorry no clues as to who, you might try
contacting Nathan.
Paul Bourke
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nor### [at] t-online de news:405a931e$1@news.povray.org
> Hi,
> I tried it by myself one year ago with these old files from Nathan
> o'Brian. It is extremely time consuming to do it by hand, which is
> what I tried. Despite looking easy, I was only successful in small
> parts, because the csg affords too much concentration.
If You have some experience in that, I was thinking about writting a
converter. Assuming it would take about... 2 weeks of regular work, do YOu
think it is worth the effort? i.e.:
1) are there meany works in rayshade?
2) any chance that someone will buy this converter ;) ?
> The most important Rayshade scene description formate rules can be
> seen at http://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/rayshade.htm.
> There is no converter of .ray to .pov files except one, but IIRC this
> utility only handles meshes (don't find the name).
> If you find one, I would be glad to hear from you.
> Norbert Kern
It looks like I could write one, but unfortunately I probably can not do it
totaly non-profit (out-of-free-time)
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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pdb### [at] swin edu au news:pdb_NOSPAM-
> It is this model
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/rendering/rayshade/
I have to do some trivial modifications and re-render images (im helping a
friend in architects-school) like change colors etc... I think it would be
more easy to just modyfie *.ray files and render using RayShade... I'm
installing it now on my Linux... :)
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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