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From: Severi Salminen
Subject: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 9 Feb 2004 18:32:52
Message: <402818a4$1@news.povray.org>
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Is there a way to assign a (photon) TARGET keyword to a certain
material? I'd like to make everything that is made of glass a photon
target and now I have to specify TARGET individually to every glass
object. If it is not possible, it would certainly be a most welcome
feature - if feature wishes for the next relase can be made :-)
Severi S.
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sev### [at] NOT_THISsiba fi news:402818a4$1@news.povray.org
> Is there a way to assign a (photon) TARGET keyword to a certain
> material? I'd like to make everything that is made of glass a photon
> target and now I have to specify TARGET individually to every glass
> object. If it is not possible, it would certainly be a most welcome
> feature - if feature wishes for the next relase can be made :-)
Maybe use macro instead
#macro matGlass()
material { _matGlass }
photons { ... }
object { xxx matGlass() }
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 9 Feb 2004 18:41:30
Message: <40281aaa@news.povray.org>
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj <spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> #macro matGlass()
> material { _matGlass }
> photons { ... }
> #end
> object { xxx matGlass() }
That's a good idea, but I wonder if the 'photons' block should
be a part of the 'material' block...
How would this look like?
{ texture { ... }
interior { ... }
photons { ... }
OTOH this would introduce the problem of a material which always is
a target for photons even when you don't want to. There should perhaps
be a way of turning it off for specific objects...
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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From: Severi Salminen
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 9 Feb 2004 18:42:54
Message: <40281afe$1@news.povray.org>
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
>>Is there a way to assign a (photon) TARGET keyword to a certain
>>material? I'd like to make everything that is made of glass a photon
>>target and now I have to specify TARGET individually to every glass
>>object. If it is not possible, it would certainly be a most welcome
>>feature - if feature wishes for the next relase can be made :-)
> Maybe use macro instead
> #macro matGlass()
> material { _matGlass }
> photons { ... }
> #end
> object { xxx matGlass() }
That is indeed a good suggestion, but it is hard to implement if you
want to change an allready existing material - lots of parentheses to add...
Ok, you can use the Replace tool in your favourite text editor, but
still... Adding photons to material description would be the easiest and
the most intuitive way.
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From: Severi Salminen
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 9 Feb 2004 18:46:24
Message: <40281bd0$1@news.povray.org>
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Warp wrote:
> That's a good idea, but I wonder if the 'photons' block should
> be a part of the 'material' block...
> How would this look like?
> material
> { texture { ... }
> interior { ... }
> photons { ... }
> }
> OTOH this would introduce the problem of a material which always is
> a target for photons even when you don't want to. There should perhaps
> be a way of turning it off for specific objects...
An overriding "target off" keyword would solve that.
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Warp wrote:
> That's a good idea, but I wonder if the 'photons' block should
> be a part of the 'material' block...
> How would this look like?
> material
> { texture { ... }
> interior { ... }
> photons { ... }
> }
I don't think this would be a good idea, the way it is right now people
recognize that photons are shot at objects and not at materials. In
fact photon shooting does not care about the material at all.
For example you could get the idea that assigning a material like:
material {
texture {
texture_map {
[0.5 Tex_Diffuse]
[0.5 Tex_Reflective]
photons { target reflection on }
to the whole scene could be reasonable. This will lead to serious
trouble though when your scene contains large or infinite objects.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 11 Jan. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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From: Severi Salminen
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 10 Feb 2004 05:33:16
Message: <4028b36c$1@news.povray.org>
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Warp wrote:
>> That's a good idea, but I wonder if the 'photons' block should
>> be a part of the 'material' block...
> I don't think this would be a good idea, the way it is right now people
> recognize that photons are shot at objects and not at materials. In
> fact photon shooting does not care about the material at all.
> For example you could get the idea that assigning a material like:
> material {
> texture {
> boxed
> texture_map {
> [0.5 Tex_Diffuse]
> [0.5 Tex_Reflective]
> }
> }
> photons { target reflection on }
> }
> to the whole scene could be reasonable. This will lead to serious
> trouble though when your scene contains large or infinite objects.
Of course, but I don't see the difference. You'll get equally big
troubles if you assign target keyword straight to an infinite object or
if you assign photon enabled material to the same object - no
difference. I don't think making materials capable of being targets
would make things any worse in that respect - you allways have to take
care of what you are doing.
The point is just to make it easier to link certain things together with
more freedom than now. Usually if someone has glass objects in a scene
it is most likely he wants them all to show photon caustics. Material
specific definition would be a nice way to do it. And, for example, if
there was an infinite glass plane, specifying (say) "target off" would
override the material photon definition.
Severi S.
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Severi Salminen wrote:
> [...]
> Of course, but I don't see the difference. You'll get equally big
> troubles if you assign target keyword straight to an infinite object or
> if you assign photon enabled material to the same object - no
> difference. I don't think making materials capable of being targets
> would make things any worse in that respect
But materials can't be targets, only objects can. The only way you can
implement this is to make every object somehow 'inherit' the photon
settings of its material. But this would not be obvious to the user so
it will just cause confusion in most cases.
> The point is just to make it easier to link certain things together with
> more freedom than now. Usually if someone has glass objects in a scene
> it is most likely he wants them all to show photon caustics.
Most likely not. For efficiency you will only use photons on those
objects where the caustics are visible in the scene. Glass objects out
of direct view that are only visible as reflections in other shapes for
example will probably not use photons.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 11 Jan. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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From: Severi Salminen
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 10 Feb 2004 06:19:03
Message: <4028be27$1@news.povray.org>
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Severi Salminen wrote:
>> [...]
> But materials can't be targets, only objects can. The only way you can
> implement this is to make every object somehow 'inherit' the photon
> settings of its material. But this would not be obvious to the user so
> it will just cause confusion in most cases.
Materials can't be targets, true, but materials are allways assigned to
certain objects, so yes, objects should inherit the photon settings. I
thought this is obvious as there simply can't be an occurence of
material without an object it is assigned to. And the whole point was to
let material specify if an object needs photons. That is logical - same
way as you might assign CAUSTICS keyword to certain material.
>> The point is just to make it easier to link certain things together
>> with more freedom than now. Usually if someone has glass objects in a
>> scene it is most likely he wants them all to show photon caustics.
> Most likely not. For efficiency you will only use photons on those
> objects where the caustics are visible in the scene. Glass objects out
> of direct view that are only visible as reflections in other shapes for
> example will probably not use photons.
Why not? If the object itself is visible via reflection, then the
caustics might also be. And if the object is not visible at all, then,
why it exists at all? And actually this doesn't even matter: there are
scenes that would benefit from material specific photons and there are
scenes that would not. I don't see why implementing it would make things
worse as you don't _have to_ use it allways - except that it needs to be
implemented ;) It would simply make POV-SDL more versatile. But maybe
POV-SDL will someday evolve to a form where this can be done easily.
PS. When the computers get faster, the caustics keyword will definitely
be replaced by photon mapping (or some other technique) and it can be
used in all objects. "Efficiency" is a very subjective word...
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From: Tim Nikias v2 0
Subject: Re: Possibility to assign photons to certain material?
Date: 10 Feb 2004 06:30:30
Message: <4028c0d6$1@news.povray.org>
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> I don't see why implementing it would make things
> worse as you don't _have to_ use it allways - except that it needs to be
> implemented ;) It would simply make POV-SDL more versatile. But maybe
> POV-SDL will someday evolve to a form where this can be done easily.
Just to comment on this lone part of the discussion: I don't think that
making assumptions for the User is versatile. It often leads to places where
the User has to guess/assume what the Programm is assuming and
counter-effect that. POV-Ray, to me, was always about scripting what you
need and want. If I want a special effect, like photons, I have to put it
there, especially since photons can cause a load of data which would slow
down rendering even if not in sight. I was always glad that POV-Ray "ships"
with the most basic default settings, and assumes nothing, so that I know
*exactly* what's happening, when I view the code.
Oh, and "efficiency" has nothing to do with speed of PC's. If you don't need
calculations for effect, don't do them. That's efficiency: save where
"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
Email: tim.nikias (@) nolights.de
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