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Is there a way to create sheared orthographic camera? I need to offset
camera location along *both* X and Y axes (image plane is coplanar with XY),
while leaving camera target (look_at) intact, and have every camera ray
skewed accordingly.
If I offset camera location just along a single axis, I do have the desired
effect. But if I offset along both axes, the image gets distorted badly --
vertical lines are OK, while horizontal lines (i.e. parallel to X axis of
the image) lines get unwanted skew...
In orher words, suppose I have two L-shapes, one strictly above the other,
and render them using orthographic "top" projection (in my coordinate
system, that means "along Z axis"); I get something like this:
So far, so good. Now I offset camera location along both X and Y axes and
render again; I get something like this (the actual skew is lesser, but you
should get the idea):
/ /
| /
| |
while I wanted something like this:
| ____
| |
The actual camera definition I used is this (remember that image plane is
coplanar with XY):
camera { orthographic
location <-60,84,75>
right x*64
up -y*48
look_at <-68,76,0>
direction <-8,-8,-74>
sky -y
Of course, I could make a patch which would do what I wanted... But I would
like to be sure that that could not be achieved with plain vanilla SDL. So,
any ideas?..
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I can't say I perfectly understand what you're getting at, but if I am
understanding correctly, what you want is not a function of the camera, but
a function of the scene. that is, you should wrap the scene in a union and
shear the whole thing.
Just a guess.
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"Breton Slivka" <blah> wrote:
> I can't say I perfectly understand what you're getting at
Based upon you suggestion, I can say you did understand it pretty well.
> what you want is not a function of the camera, but
> a function of the scene. that is, you should wrap the scene
> in a union and shear the whole thing.
Nope... unfortunately. First of all, not everything can easily be put into a
union; for instance, there is good deal of spotlights etc. that all would
have to be handled separately. Because of this and other similar reasons, I
would very much prefer to adjust camera instead.
Even more important: I have great number of small objects (especially
meshes) in my scenes, which are BTW rendered into animations. I took great
pains *not* to employ transformations whenever possible, but instead use
proper creation parameters -- transformations hurt performance quite
badly... All in all, I would like to tweak camera instead of messing with
Thanks for the suggestion though.
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hold up, I've got a solution.
Try rendering this scene, and let me know what you think.
camera { orthographic
location <-1,-1,-1>
right 2*x
up 2*y
look_at <0,0,0>
sky -y
1, -0.5, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0
box { -0.5, 0.5 pigment { color rgb 1 }}
light_source { 0*x color rgb <1,1,1> translate <-20, 40, -20> }
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"Breton Slivka" wrote:
> hold up, I've got a solution.
> matrix
> <
Doh! It actually did the trick. Thank you. Although I had to turn off vista
Funny thing about it is that I, of course, did consider using 'matrix', but
before trying it I had a look at Transform_Camera() in camera.cpp and
somehow decided that 'matrix' would do exactly what I'm doing with
'look_at', 'location' etc. myself. It turns out that I was wrong... It seems
like, when I'm trying to skew camera w/o matrix, 'right' and 'up' vectors
get altered to make them perpendicular to the <location-look_at> vector,
which I did not expect. That's... not quite consistent of POV, I would say.
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In article <3f03165d@news.povray.org> , "Vadim Sytnikov" <syt### [at] ru com>
> It turns out that I was wrong... It seems
> like, when I'm trying to skew camera w/o matrix, 'right' and 'up' vectors
> get altered to make them perpendicular to the <location-look_at> vector,
> which I did not expect. That's... not quite consistent of POV, I would say.
Look_at is just an alternate representation of several of the other
parameters. You cannot adjust both representations and expect POV-Ray to
guess which one or combination to use. That is why POV-Ray 3.5 does apply
all parameters in a well-specified order.
Using matrix is the way to go for your problem unless you don't want to use
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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