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I'm getting a weird problem with the lathe object. I'm getting random black
pixles in a line at a certain point.
Render @ http://cg1.org/lathe.png
Source follows:
location <10,40,-70>
look_at <0,30,0>
pigment {rgb .5}
#declare column = union
rgb 1
translate y*45
translate y*55
translate y*50
rgb 1
#declare minx = -40;
#declare maxx = 40;
#declare minz = -40;
#declare maxz = 40;
#declare thespacing = 40;
#declare thex = minx;
#declare thez = minz;
#while (thex <= maxx)
#declare thez = minz;
#while (thez <= maxz)
translate <thex,0,thez>
#declare thez = thez + thespacing;
#declare thex = thex + thespacing;
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Tyler Eaves wrote:
> I'm getting a weird problem with the lathe object. I'm getting random black
> pixles in a line at a certain point.
> sturm
As you are already using the "sturm" keyword there is not much you can
do about it. You are seeing a root solving mathematical error. You might
try moving the control points for your lathe by small amounts or try
using a different spline type for the lathe object to solve the problem.
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> Tyler Eaves wrote:
>> I'm getting a weird problem with the lathe object. I'm getting random
>> black pixles in a line at a certain point.
> <snip>
>> sturm
> As you are already using the "sturm" keyword there is not much you can
> do about it. You are seeing a root solving mathematical error. You might
> try moving the control points for your lathe by small amounts or try
> using a different spline type for the lathe object to solve the problem.
Intersting thing is that it seems to occur at the exact height the camera is
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Tyler Eaves wrote:
> Intersting thing is that it seems to occur at the exact height the camera is
> at.
Unfortunately it is a problem with both the sor and lathe objects that
has been present since their introduction in POV-Ray v3.0. If there is
a "bugfix" for it, no one has yet to come up with one.
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> Tyler Eaves wrote:
>> Intersting thing is that it seems to occur at the exact height the camera
>> is at.
> Unfortunately it is a problem with both the sor and lathe objects that
> has been present since their introduction in POV-Ray v3.0. If there is
> a "bugfix" for it, no one has yet to come up with one.
Maybe once I use a more complex texture than pigment{rgb 1} this will be
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Tyler Eaves's furious key-hammering produced this:
>> Unfortunately it is a problem with both the sor and lathe objects that
>> has been present since their introduction in POV-Ray v3.0. If there is
>> a "bugfix" for it, no one has yet to come up with one.
> Maybe once I use a more complex texture than pigment{rgb 1} this will be
> alleivated?
The problem might not look as obvious but would still exist. If it is, as Ken
said, a problem with root solving, changing the texture won't fix the problem.
I'd do what Ken suggested -- moving the control points over by a very tiny
amount, small enough not to be noticable but large enough to make a difference
in the calculation (which shouldn't take much).
/*^*/light_source{100*<-5,2,-5>2}#macro I(i,n)#while(strlen(i)>=n)#local A=asc(
substr(i,n,1));#local a=asc(substr(i,n+1,1));cylinder{<div(A,8)-12,mod(A,8)-4,4
><div(a,8)-12,mod(a,8)-4,4>,0.1pigment{rgb z}}#local n=n+2;#end#end I("ScUe[]"1
/*<*/)I("mkmtlttk"1)//@_$#!,:<"Thhis polysig brought to you by Ian Burgmyer :)"
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Tyler Eaves <tyl### [at] cg1 org> wrote in message
> I'm getting a weird problem with the lathe object. I'm getting random
> pixles in a line at a certain point.
Adding 1 point and moving the last 2 seems to fix it.
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These solver related black pixels are another reason I tend to render images
much larger than the final image size.
Bill P.
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