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From: Sascha Ledinsky
Subject: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 09:32:17
Message: <3e3fcef1$1@news.povray.org>
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I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
It's open source (GPL) and it's written in Java. I've tested it on Win2k
and RedHat 7.3 Linux machines.
There's still much to do, but this version supports sPatch import/export
and can output to .pov and .rib (renderman) format. With the currently
implemented features JPatch has virtually the same functionality as
sPatch has.
I plan to add hook and 5-point patch support (like Animation Master),
uv-mapping, morphing and skeleton animation in future versions.
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From: Doctor John
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 13:56:46
Message: <3e400cee@news.povray.org>
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"Sascha Ledinsky" <sas### [at] opensys co at> wrote in message
> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
Looks very interesting.
I've just downloaded a copy of both source and executable and will be
playing with it just as soon as I can finish the modelling for my next IRTC
Run Fast
Run Free
Run Linux
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From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: RE: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 14:30:15
Message: <3e4014c7@news.povray.org>
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> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
> http://3dimensions.dhs.org/jpatch/
Link added to favorites.
> It's open source (GPL) and it's written in Java. I've tested it on Win2k
> and RedHat 7.3 Linux machines.
> There's still much to do, but this version supports sPatch import/export
> and can output to .pov and .rib (renderman) format. With the currently
> implemented features JPatch has virtually the same functionality as
> sPatch has.
I'm downloading it now. I'll tell you when I'll try it.
> I plan to add hook and 5-point patch support (like Animation Master),
> uv-mapping, morphing and skeleton animation in future versions.
That sounds very interesting. Keep us informed.
Txemi Jendrix
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From: Florian Pesth
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 15:52:30
Message: <3e40280e$1@news.povray.org>
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Sascha Ledinsky schrieb:
> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
> http://3dimensions.dhs.org/jpatch/
This is really great! I will try it out at the weekend!
I've searched for a linux capable bicubic patch modeller for years.
Florian Pesth
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From: Jellby
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 17:14:43
Message: <3e403b53@news.povray.org>
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Among other things, Sascha Ledinsky wrote:
> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
> http://3dimensions.dhs.org/jpatch/
> It's open source (GPL) and it's written in Java. I've tested it on Win2k
> and RedHat 7.3 Linux machines.
I must be doing something wrong. I have Sun's Java (1.4.1_01) under RedHat
7.3 (with some updates), if I type "java -jar -ea jpatch.jar" I get this
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/vecmath/Tuple3f
at JPatch.<init>(JPatch.java:32)
at JPatch.main(JPatch.java:70)
I just extracted the tar.gz binary into a directory.
Ignacio Fernández Galván
Linux User #289967 (counter.li.org)
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From: Jellby
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 4 Feb 2003 17:20:12
Message: <3e403c9c@news.povray.org>
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> I must be doing something wrong. I have Sun's Java (1.4.1_01) under RedHat
> 7.3 (with some updates)...
Forget it, I don't have Java3D. I'll come back if it doesn't work :)
Ignacio Fernández Galván
Linux User #289967 (counter.li.org)
PGP Pub Key ID: 0x01A95F99 (pgp.escomplinux.org)
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From: Florian Pesth
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 5 Feb 2003 08:56:22
Message: <3e411806$1@news.povray.org>
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Sascha Ledinsky schrieb:
> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
Works very nice here at a first look. Maybe you are interested in the
console warnings below (what may be also an installation error by me?).
Im running SuSE Linux 7.3 on a K6-2 850 if it matters.
05.02.2003 14:52:29 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$3 run
WARNUNG: Could not create system preferences directory. System
preferences are unusable.
05.02.2003 14:53:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:53:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
05.02.2003 14:53:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:53:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
05.02.2003 14:54:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:54:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
05.02.2003 14:54:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:54:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
05.02.2003 14:55:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:55:01 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
05.02.2003 14:55:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences
WARNUNG: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 136285452.
05.02.2003 14:55:31 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNUNG: Couldn't flush system prefs:
java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
But this is a very promising program!
Florian Pesth
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 5 Feb 2003 11:13:08
Message: <3e413814$1@news.povray.org>
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How about povray-SDL- manipulatable boning??
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From: Sascha Ledinsky
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 5 Feb 2003 11:56:13
Message: <3e41422d$1@news.povray.org>
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Greg M. Johnson wrote:
> How about povray-SDL- manipulatable boning??
that's exactly what I'm working on :-)
A POV-Macro reads in the model data, transforms control points (morphing
and/or rotating them around the joints), recalculates the tangents and
renders bicubic patches. Most of the code is finished, you might take a
look at
(showing an earlier version with the bone-system up'n'running)
(rendered with pov-ray and morphing the control points via sdl-macros
the head model is from Anto Matkovic's head tutorial
http://www.matkovic.com/anto/ )
The code was a mess so I had to start a new version of JPatch from
scratch some weeks ago :-(
but theese things will be (re)implemented quite soon...
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From: Harold
Subject: Re: [announce] JPatch 0.1 - open source patch modeller for POV-Ray
Date: 6 Feb 2003 11:08:16
Message: <3e428870@news.povray.org>
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This could be described as a scaled down, Java based
copy of Animation:Master. I wonder how it will impact
Hash? Could be good for them, just as Hammapatch and
sPatch brought people into patch based modeling and
eventually led them to Animation:Master.
It also provides a great modeling program across multiple
platforms. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks great. I'm not
sure if it will run on my WinXP system.
"Sascha Ledinsky" <sas### [at] opensys co at> wrote in message
> I've uploaded a first version of JPatch - a bicubic patch modeller
> similar to sPatch - to my homepage:
> http://3dimensions.dhs.org/jpatch/
> It's open source (GPL) and it's written in Java. I've tested it on Win2k
> and RedHat 7.3 Linux machines.
> There's still much to do, but this version supports sPatch import/export
> and can output to .pov and .rib (renderman) format. With the currently
> implemented features JPatch has virtually the same functionality as
> sPatch has.
> I plan to add hook and 5-point patch support (like Animation Master),
> uv-mapping, morphing and skeleton animation in future versions.
> -sascha
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