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I know where to put the uv vectors, but where do I put the filename? I can't
find anything in the docs and have not been able to guess properly.
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Shay <sah### [at] simcoparts com> wrote in message news:3cb6fa54@news.povray.org...
> have not been able to guess properly.
That doesn't make any damn sense.
"have not been able to guess *correctly*"
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On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:17:48 -0500, "Shay" <sah### [at] simcoparts com> wrote:
> I know where to put the uv vectors, but where do I put the filename?
Filename of what ? Image ? Just create pigment as usually.
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> Filename of what ? Image ? Just create pigment as usually.
Thank you.
I can't try it right now, but do you mean like this:
#mesh2 {
vertex_vectors {}
uv_vectors {}
face_indices {}
pigment {
image_map {png "map.png"}
} // end pigment
}// end #mesh2
I'm sure I tried that, but I might have made a mistake or missed something
when I did.
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Look for texture_list in your mesh2, if not, then add it like this:
mesh2 {
{ 1, texture { pigment { image_map{"foo.bmp" }}} }
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> I can't try it right now, but do you mean like this:
> #mesh2 {
> vertex_vectors {}
> uv_vectors {}
> face_indices {}
> pigment {
> image_map {png "map.png"}
> } // end pigment
> }// end #mesh2
Yes, this should work.. The uv vectors become just a part of the mesh data,
but does not need a texture immediately. Textures are applied afterwards,
like any other object.
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