Hi all
I'm using POV 3.5 in a scene with photons, and the problem is I don't want
the target object to cast a shadow so I include the no_shadow command. This
has the unwanted side effect of 'switching-off' the caustics produced by the
Maybe I missed something in the docs? If not how do I solve this?
Thanks in advance
> I'm using POV 3.5 in a scene with photons, and the problem is I don't want> the target object to cast a shadow so I include the no_shadow command.
> has the unwanted side effect of 'switching-off' the caustics produced by
> photons.> Maybe I missed something in the docs? If not how do I solve this?
I don't know how that would even be implemented. Shadows aren't physical
objects; they're the absense of light. By specifying "no_shadow", you're
saying that you want light to behave unrealistically. But then when you give
an object photons, you're saying that you want light to behave *extra*
realistically with that object. There really isn't a good way to implement
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
[ http://www.slimeland.com/images/ ]
"jimbobjim" <jim### [at] blueyondercouk> wrote in message
> I'm using POV 3.5 in a scene with photons, and the problem is I don't want> the target object to cast a shadow so I include the no_shadow command.> This has the unwanted side effect of 'switching-off' the caustics produced> by the photons.
Sorry for the delay if you haven't solved it yet. Shooting Photons at an Object: "If you use the no_shadow keyword,
the object will be tagged as pass_through automatically. You can then turn
off pass_through if necessary by simply using photons { pass_through off }."
"Ari-Matti Leppanen" <ari### [at] ThisShouldBeRemovedtutfi> wrote
in message news:3cb3c5a0$1@news.povray.org...
>> Sorry for the delay if you haven't solved it yet.>> Shooting Photons at an Object: "If you use the no_shadow
> the object will be tagged as pass_through automatically. You can then turn> off pass_through if necessary by simply using photons { pass_through
off }."
Thanks Ari, I must have missed that - my (limited) solution was to perform
some tomfoolery with the light source positions until the shadows fell off
you can see the image in p.b.i "starfish WIP"