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The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
support this platform.
Thanks for your help,
Ken Tyler - POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
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Ken wrote:
> Hi,
> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
Nice idea! I'm using SuSE Linux 8.1; POV-Ray 3.5 and MegaPOV 1.0.
And well, I'm using Linux for about 5 years now.
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I'm using POV-Ray on Linux for, well, must be more than 5 years now.
Recently I switched to the Gentoo Linux distribution. I've already used it
on Sun Solaris as well.
- Micha
POV-Ray Objects Collection: http://objects.povworld.org
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Ken wrote:
> Hi,
> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
Gentoo Linux (which sort of defies a general version number), gcc-3.2.2,
kernel 2.4.20
POV-Ray 3.50c (compiled from sources).
I'm not sure if you're asking how long I've been using Linux or POV-Ray
so I'll answer both: Linux for about 2 years, POV off and on for about
3 years.
Btw, I'm not sure how clear a picture you'll get of the Linux user
base from within this newsgroup. Mostly you'll get a picture of the
Linux user base that are currently reading these newsgroups ;)
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Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> writes:
> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
Debian GNU/Linux unstable, kernel is v. 2.4.20. Have been using it for
about 2 years now, I think (before that Red Hat). POV-Ray version is
3.50c, compiled and packaged by Debian.
Ole Laursen
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I'm using POV-Ray 3.5 on RedHat 7.3. I first installed linux last summer and
have been using it since then. My first POV was 1.0, I think, I got it with
a magazine and immediately fell in love with it ;)
light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x
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Red Hat Linux 7.3 & AIX 4.3
POV 3.5a, MegaPov 1.0 on both.
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Ken wrote:
> Hi,
> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
> Thanks for your help,
FreeBSD and Povray 3.5. I'm on FreeBSD for about a month.
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SuSE Linux 7.3 with Kernel 2.4.19 or 2.4.20, 5 years, Povray 3.5
Currently Compiling:
linuxfromscratch 4.0 with Kernel 2.4.20
> [...] This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
Great! Ask if you need help with testing!
Florian Pesth
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Ken wrote:
> Hi,
> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running.
I'm using Linux (SuSE 7.1) on own computers since 2001 and using POV on it
since the beginning. Using POV in general since version 2.2.
A lot of different versions of POV-Ray currently in use, even when using
the plain official POV i tend to do my own build rather than the official
Also occasionally running POV on other Unix machines.
> This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.
Great. An official RPM would probably be a good idea although a lot of
Linux distributions already include a version (SuSE seems to ship 3.5
since version 8.1).
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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