POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Linux/Unix Survey : Re: Linux/Unix Survey Server Time
15 Mar 2025 06:17:59 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Linux/Unix Survey  
From: Ole Laursen
Date: 12 Apr 2003 13:18:03
Message: <87fzonmy7j.fsf@bach.composers>
Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> writes:

> The TAG and The POV-Team are trying to get a better picture of how many
> people here use POV-Ray on a Linux/Unix based machine. If you do have it
> installed please respond to this message telling us on what version of
> Linux/Unix, how long you have been using it and what version of POV-Ray
> you are currently running. This information will be used to help better
> support this platform.

Debian GNU/Linux unstable, kernel is v. 2.4.20. Have been using it for
about 2 years now, I think (before that Red Hat). POV-Ray version is
3.50c, compiled and packaged by Debian.

Ole Laursen

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