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I wanted to know if there is a feasible way to implement "glow" on a
surface usoing standard 3.1pov. I want to make backlighting of a semi-
transparent surface: like an anat-jour illumnated from a lamp inside. I
need this for lamp design in fact. Making a visible light source or just
an object with a high ambient value is not enough because it is
distributed uniformly, while I need the effect of a non uniform ligthing (
you see a light behind a paper). In other programs you use "glow maps"
but they are not available in pov, so what ?
I'm a quite long time pov user, but I never resolved this...
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"WhiteGandalf" <zus### [at] libero it> wrote in message
> Hello,
You're talking about transluscent surfaces. There has never been an ideal way to
implement this in POV (any version).
IIRC the best results have been obtained by using a scattering media.
Playing with this looks hopeful...
location <0.0, 0.5, -4.0>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
color 1
translate z*2
fade_power 2
fade_distance 0.5
pigment{rgbt 1}
interior{media{scattering{2, 20 extinction 0.25}}}
hollow on
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Yes, that was the main idea and I will take a look at your suggestion. I
wanted to know howewer if there was a way to fake it (in order to speed
up rendering and simplify scene making) like applying some sort of map.
> You're talking about transluscent surfaces. There has never been an
> ideal way to implement this in POV (any version).
> IIRC the best results have been obtained by using a scattering media.
> Playing with this looks hopeful...
> camera
> {
> location <0.0, 0.5, -4.0>
> look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
> light_source
> {
> 0
> color 1
> translate z*2
> fade_power 2
> fade_distance 0.5
> box{
> <-1,-1,-0.1>,<1,1,0.1>
> texture{
> pigment{rgbt 1}
>} }
> interior{media{scattering{2, 20 extinction 0.25}}}
> hollow on
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