POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Spiral objects? Server Time
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  Spiral objects? (Message 1 to 10 of 10)  
From: Julius Klatte
Subject: Spiral objects?
Date: 10 Feb 1999 16:07:30
Message: <36c1f512.0@news.povray.org>
Does anyone know of an already existing tutorial about
creating spiral shapes?



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From: Spider
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 10 Feb 1999 17:12:51
Message: <36C20328.2402E51A@bahnhof.se>
There was a thread called 3D match some time ago in .general, where a
spiral was created..

An easier way to do it is like this: (untested)

#declare rounds = 15;
#declare radii = 10;
#declare O = sphere { <0,0,0>,0.5 pigment { Yellow }}
#declare MaxY = 50;
#declare Num = 1500;
#declare iNum = 1/Num;
#declare iNum360 = iNum*360;
#declare iNumMaxY = iNum*MaxY;
#declare N=Num;
  object {O translate <radii,N*iNumMaxY,0> rotate <0,N*iNum360,0> }
  #declare N = N-1;

This should do a spiral between 0 and MaxY, evenly spread with Num
I also have a spiral like #macro in the fireworks include file. The one
to make the trails of the fireworks.

Julius Klatte wrote:
> Does anyone know of an already existing tutorial about
> creating spiral shapes?
> Thanks
> Julius

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 10 Feb 1999 21:36:43
Message: <36C24201.3631FC9E@pacbell.net>
Julius Klatte wrote:
> Does anyone know of an already existing tutorial about
> creating spiral shapes?
> Thanks
> Julius

There is a new group on the server called announce.frequently.asked.questions
that I posted a pov tutorials link faq to last week. If there has been a
tutorial written on the subject you will find a link for it there.

Ken Tyler


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From: Julius Klatte
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 18 Feb 1999 18:51:45
Message: <36cca791.0@news.povray.org>
What do you take me for?!

I KNOW how spirals should be made, what I asked was if
anyone knew of an already existing tutorial about it, since
I'm thinking about making one myself...

Thanks.... I guess...?


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From: Ken
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 18 Feb 1999 19:50:39
Message: <36CCB4FA.116F57BF@pacbell.net>
Julius Klatte wrote:
> Guys!
> What do you take me for?!
> I KNOW how spirals should be made, what I asked was if
> anyone knew of an already existing tutorial about it, since
> I'm thinking about making one myself...
> Thanks.... I guess...?
> Julius

I think my reply was if anything accurate and in context with the
requested information. If time had permitted I would have provided
a more a definitive answer. As I either did not know at that time,
or had no time to find out, I at least narrowed the field of search
for you by a very wide margin.

At least "I" didn't just provide an example like one other person did.


Ken Tyler


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From: Spider
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 19 Feb 1999 18:01:23
Message: <36CDB5C5.F7D98629@bahnhof.se>
Ahh, sorry for my misinterpretation of the question. I humbly apologize
If I have offended you by my lack of understanding in the English

humble apologizes.
( spi### [at] bahnhofse ) [ http://www.bahnhof.se/~spider/ ]
#declare life = rand(seed(42))*sqrt(-1);

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From: Spider
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 19 Feb 1999 18:01:25
Message: <36CDB5D5.C6E172BF@bahnhof.se>

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From: Julius Klatte
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 21 Feb 1999 17:52:59
Message: <36d08e4b.0@news.povray.org>
>I think my reply was if anything accurate and in context
with the
>requested information. If time had permitted I would have
>a more a definitive answer.

Sorry Ken, my answer was aimed at Spider's message... I
guessed it missed its target.
I took a look at your list (nice work by the way) and
couldn't find anyone really covering the subject, so I guess
I'll have an addition to your list in a moment (or a bit

Thanks again


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From: Julius Klatte
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 21 Feb 1999 17:54:39
Message: <36d08eaf.0@news.povray.org>
>humble apologizes.

That's not necessary... I wasn't offended, just surprised


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From: Spider
Subject: Re: Spiral objects?
Date: 21 Feb 1999 17:54:43
Message: <36D08D5B.40D4F26F@bahnhof.se>
Julius Klatte wrote:
> >I think my reply was if anything accurate and in context
> with the
> >requested information. If time had permitted I would have
> provided
> >a more a definitive answer.
> Sorry Ken, my answer was aimed at Spider's message... I
> guessed it missed its target.
> I took a look at your list (nice work by the way) and
> couldn't find anyone really covering the subject, so I guess
> I'll have an addition to your list in a moment (or a bit
> longer).
I think I got the point, and I really hope I didn't offend you. That was
not my intention.

( spi### [at] bahnhofse ) [ http://www.bahnhof.se/~spider/ ]
#declare life = rand(seed(42))*sqrt(-1);

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