POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Most convoluted scene of its kind? Server Time
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  Most convoluted scene of its kind? (Message 1 to 10 of 19)  
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From: Andrew the Orchid
Subject: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 30 Oct 2004 15:48:16
Message: <4183f000@news.povray.org>
OK, so check out the attachment. If any of you can figure out what it is 
without running it, I'll be impressed... heh!

Pointless? Probably. Effective? Not really. Impressive? You decide.

(Oh yeah - and the lighting sucks!)


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From: povray
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 31 Oct 2004 10:50:03
Message: <132ao0lidlao226ugjc06jt99fj3pepa0g@4ax.com>
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 20:47:49 +0100, Andrew the Orchid <voi### [at] devnull>

>OK, so check out the attachment. If any of you can figure out what it is 
>without running it, I'll be impressed... heh!
>Pointless? Probably. Effective? Not really. Impressive? You decide.
>(Oh yeah - and the lighting sucks!)

From looking at the code, I'll guess it reads the strings
with a hex-coded file (sort of like uuencode, binhex, or
mime) in them.  This is output as a "pseudo binary" file,
with each one or zero being written as asn ascii zero or
ascii one, separated by commas.  This is turn is read
back in and read through what looks like a fixed huffman
tree decompressor[1] which yeilds a file containing the
actual povray scene file.

Now I'm going to render it and see.  :)

Most impressive coding, regardless of what the final
scene ends up being.  Stuff like this makes me
wish pov-ray had actual "real" binary file I/O.

[1] I just happend to be reading up on data
compression recently,  nice synchronicity there,

to all the companies who wait until a large user base becomes
dependant on their freeware, then shafting said happy campers with
mandatory payment for continued usage. I spit on your grave.

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From: Andrew the Orchid
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 31 Oct 2004 11:28:13
Message: <4185129d@news.povray.org>
> From looking at the code, I'll guess it reads the strings
> with a hex-coded file (sort of like uuencode, binhex, or
> mime) in them.  This is output as a "pseudo binary" file,
> with each one or zero being written as asn ascii zero or
> ascii one, separated by commas.  This is turn is read
> back in and read through what looks like a fixed huffman
> tree decompressor[1] which yeilds a file containing the
> actual povray scene file.

Yups, that is indeed *exactly* what it does.

(Would have used canonical Huffman rather than explicitly storing the 
codebook - but the code to recompute the codebook is larger than the 
codebook itself, so...)

It's not uuencode or BASE-64 or anything... just plain vanila hexdecimal 
8-D Would probably take up less space if I changed it to BASE-64... (Uh, 
I mean, it would *definitely* take up less space... but not sure about 
the decode part!)

> Now I'm going to render it and see.  :)

Heh. Hope you have a fast PC...

Seriously... the hex -> binary decode is almost instant. The Huffman 
decompression takes ~30 seconds or so. And the image itself takes 

> Most impressive coding, regardless of what the final
> scene ends up being.  Stuff like this makes me
> wish pov-ray had actual "real" binary file I/O.

Why thank you.

I'm actually impressed that I can get POV-Ray to dump raw binary. (I 
presume you noticed that I only bothered having encodings for 7-bit 
ASCII?) I could get #write() to produce arbitrary binary, actually... 
Like you say, a pitty that #read() can't pick up a character at a time...

(If it could, those WriteBinary() macros would vanish. Just #write() the 
hex to a file, then read it back and convert to binary in another file - 
then read *that* back like it currently does. Would be nice to dispence 
with the commas also...)

I actually tried to write a version that uses arithmatic coding. In 
fact, it works. Expect... Sometimes - just sometimes - the decoder 
utterly looses synchronisation with the encoder, and I can't figure out 
why. :'(

So there we have it - a 4KB file that produces a 1KB file and renders 
it. Worth it? Nah. Fun? Well, you decide. ;-)


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From: Maurice
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 31 Oct 2004 12:39:30
Message: <41852352$1@news.povray.org>
Andrew the Orchid wrote:
> OK, so check out the attachment. If any of you can figure out what it is 
> without running it, I'll be impressed... heh!
> Pointless? Probably. Effective? Not really. Impressive? You decide.
> (Oh yeah - and the lighting sucks!)

A very interesting way to create a reflecting sphere on a checkered plane.


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From: Andrew the Orchid
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 31 Oct 2004 13:22:45
Message: <41852d75@news.povray.org>
> A very interesting way to create a reflecting sphere on a checkered plane.


"Interesting" as in "oh, that's interesting"?
Or "interesting" as in "what the hell?... WHY did you do this???!"

BTW... what do you make of the actual picture? Did you get it to 
complete rendering? (I have not done this yet - it takes too long.)


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From: JWV
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 1 Nov 2004 09:08:48
Message: <41864370@news.povray.org>
No idea why you did it, or what you did, but since it takes rather long to
render, i thought it would be nice to share the result.

Took 12 mins on a 1.3 GHz centrino.


"Andrew the Orchid" <voi### [at] devnull> wrote in message
> OK, so check out the attachment. If any of you can figure out what it is
> without running it, I'll be impressed... heh!
> Pointless? Probably. Effective? Not really. Impressive? You decide.
> (Oh yeah - and the lighting sucks!)
> Andrew.


> #macro BinaryWrite(D)
>   #local lp = 1;
>   #while (lp<=strlen(D))
>     #local C = substr(D, lp, 1);
>     #switch (asc(C))
>       #case (asc("0")) #write(Dst, "0, 0, 0, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("1")) #write(Dst, "0, 0, 0, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("2")) #write(Dst, "0, 0, 1, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("3")) #write(Dst, "0, 0, 1, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("4")) #write(Dst, "0, 1, 0, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("5")) #write(Dst, "0, 1, 0, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("6")) #write(Dst, "0, 1, 1, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("7")) #write(Dst, "0, 1, 1, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("8")) #write(Dst, "1, 0, 0, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("9")) #write(Dst, "1, 0, 0, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("A")) #write(Dst, "1, 0, 1, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("B")) #write(Dst, "1, 0, 1, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("C")) #write(Dst, "1, 1, 0, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("D")) #write(Dst, "1, 1, 0, 1,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("E")) #write(Dst, "1, 1, 1, 0,\n") #break
>       #case (asc("F")) #write(Dst, "1, 1, 1, 1,\n") #break
>     #end
>     #local lp = lp + 1;
>   #end
> #end
> #declare FileName = "File2"
> #fopen Dst concat(FileName, ".tmp") write
> BinaryWrite("D2C3B069FF8CFC6632")
> #fclose Dst
> #declare Codebook= array[128]
> {
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "1001", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "11", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "000000010", "000000011", "00000100", "0000101", "001000", "00000101",
"001001", "0000000000",
>   "01000", "001010", "0000110", "000000100", "0000000001", "00000110",
"*", "*",
>   "00000111", "*", "*", "*", "0000111", "*", "0001000", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
>   "*", "*", "*", "000000101", "*", "000000110", "*", "0001001",
>   "*", "01001", "001011", "01010", "0001010", "1010", "0001011", "001100",
>   "0001100", "01011", "00001000", "0000000010", "01100", "0001101",
"01101", "01110",
>   "001101", "*", "1011", "001110", "01111", "001111", "000000111",
>   "0001110", "0001111", "0000000011", "10000", "*", "10001", "*", "*"
> };
> #declare UnpackedBytes = 1263;
> #macro Main()
>   #local Word = "";
>   #local Bytes = 0;
>   #while (Bytes<UnpackedBytes)
>     #read(Src, BitID)
>     #local Bit = str(BitID, 0, 0);
>     #local Word = concat(Word, Bit);
>     #local Index = -1;
>     #local lp = 0;
>     #while (lp<128)
>       #if (strcmp(Word, Codebook[lp])=0) #local Index = lp; #local lp =
200; #end
>       #local lp = lp + 1;
>     #end
>     #if (Index>=0)
>       #write(Dst, chr(Index))
>       #local Word = "";
>       #local Bytes = Bytes + 1;
>     #end
>   #end
> #end
> #fopen Src concat(FileName, ".tmp") read
> #fopen Dst concat(FileName, ".inc") write
> Main()
> #fclose Dst
> #fclose Src
> #include concat(FileName, ".inc")

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From: Maurice
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 1 Nov 2004 12:53:26
Message: <41867816$1@news.povray.org>
JWV wrote:
> No idea why you did it, or what you did, but since it takes rather long to
> render, i thought it would be nice to share the result.
> Took 12 mins on a 1.3 GHz centrino.

If that one took you 12mins, I wonder what the result is for the 
standard benchmark on that machine.


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From: Maurice
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 1 Nov 2004 14:56:04
Message: <418694d4@news.povray.org>
Andrew the Orchid wrote:
>> A very interesting way to create a reflecting sphere on a checkered 
>> plane.
> Thanks.
> "Interesting" as in "oh, that's interesting"?
> Or "interesting" as in "what the hell?... WHY did you do this???!"

Both. :-)

> BTW... what do you make of the actual picture? Did you get it to 
> complete rendering? (I have not done this yet - it takes too long.)

I agree. The render takes very long. On my AMD64 3000+, I get about 
3PPS. So, I didn't bother to render it bigger than 160x120 (1h20m). I'm 
not sure what the extra 2 planes are doing. I can see that the plane{+y, 
-0.1} adds some nice ground effect. But it is also the one responsible 
for the slow render. I can't figure out what the plane{+y, +40} is doing 
though. Leaving it out doesn't seem to change anything.

> Andrew.

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From: JWV
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 1 Nov 2004 15:05:32
Message: <4186970c@news.povray.org>

How does one start the standard benchmark? When I render the file
benchmark.pov, it shows the image while rendering, and I can set the
resolution of the image. This should not be possible according to the
manual.(  Run Benchmark)


BTW: was your reply meant as: "wow, 12 mins, thats slow", or "wow, 12 mins,
thats fast"?

"Maurice" <cel### [at] nospamhotmailcom> wrote in message
> JWV wrote:
> > No idea why you did it, or what you did, but since it takes rather long
> > render, i thought it would be nice to share the result.
> >
> > Took 12 mins on a 1.3 GHz centrino.
> >
> > JWV
> >
> If that one took you 12mins, I wonder what the result is for the
> standard benchmark on that machine.
> -- 
> Maurice

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From: Maurice
Subject: Re: Most convoluted scene of its kind?
Date: 1 Nov 2004 15:13:58
Message: <41869906@news.povray.org>
JWV wrote:
> Hi,
> How does one start the standard benchmark? When I render the file
> benchmark.pov, it shows the image while rendering, and I can set the
> resolution of the image. This should not be possible according to the
> manual.(  Run Benchmark)

Assuming you have POVray 3.6. Start the application, then from the 
Render menu select the "Run Benchmark" option.

> BTW: was your reply meant as: "wow, 12 mins, thats slow", or "wow, 12 mins,
> thats fast"?

12mins seems awfully fast for a Centrino 1.3GHz. I have an AMD64 3000+ 
and it took me 25mins to render at the same size (+h60 +w80 +a0.3). That 
said, you did ofcourse switch on anti-aliasing?


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