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  Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool (Message 1 to 9 of 9)  
From: Andycadd
Subject: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 4 Feb 2007 13:45:00
Message: <web.45c62983ee0398bafedbe4b90@news.povray.org>
Has anyone created a "pack and go" style tool for povray?

Basically a tool to take the multiple include files
and strip out all the unused items writing a single POV file sequenced
for rendering.

I ask because I tend to put all my new textures and shapes into a small
number of files and then call them all during the first parse.  I recently
generated a bunch of color files from most of the paint companies and even
larger image mapping files from the architectural finish companies
(wallpapers, siding, etc...).  Currently I cut and paste the textures I
want from the very large, many thousand of textures, texture/material
library files, this works but is not very convenient.

This feature would not render and would infact have to parse, basically in
reverse, finding all the objects and their textures and then finding all
their definition files and then finding all the constants and variables.

While I've never been a big fan of image_maps, the flooring, wallpaper and
siding companies have a large number of Named texture tiles available on
their sites and taking advantage of that resource only makes sense.

As for colors I have found 5 or 6 thousand  RGB listings of named colors and
used spreadsheets to defin/declare them all to their manufacturers names.

Attached are the color texture and normal files from all the silk thread
manufacturers I could find the "finnorm.inc" file is used as defaults for
all the different textures I have set up so far.

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Download 'silks.zip' (17 KB)

From: Warp
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 4 Feb 2007 18:10:52
Message: <45c667fc@news.povray.org>
Andycadd <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> Currently I cut and paste the textures

  Nitpicking, but I bet you don't.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Andycadd
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 6 Feb 2007 17:05:00
Message: <web.45c8fa966042346c67bd19b10@news.povray.org>
Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
> Andycadd <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> > Currently I cut and paste the textures
>   Nitpicking, but I bet you don't.
> --
>                                                           - Warp

I'll Bet I do
as I have over 5 thousand named colors each with a texture or 2
and over 3 thousand named texture tiles

I only have 2 gig of Ram  so the renderer crashes after parsing 4 thousand
materials, or much less if I use image tiles.

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 6 Feb 2007 17:51:09
Message: <45c9065d@news.povray.org>
Andycadd <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> > > Currently I cut and paste the textures
> >
> >   Nitpicking, but I bet you don't.

> I'll Bet I do

  Why would you destroy the original texture declarations?

                                                          - Warp

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From: Charles C
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 7 Feb 2007 01:15:00
Message: <web.45c96e196042346ce94cc5130@news.povray.org>
Technicality-humor.  "cut & ..." versus "copy & ..."

Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
> Andycadd <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> > > > Currently I cut and paste the textures
> > >
> > >   Nitpicking, but I bet you don't.
> > I'll Bet I do
>   Why would you destroy the original texture declarations?
> --
>                                                           - Warp

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From: Charles C
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 7 Feb 2007 01:55:00
Message: <web.45c9770d6042346ce94cc5130@news.povray.org>
A simple & compatible-for-all approach (because it's SDL), less the details:

I bet you could re-do each library so that within each file, each "entry" is
a #case within a giant #switch.  Then if each entry contained strings of SDL
rather than straight SDL you could easily automate building up a smaller
file's worth of textures or what-have-you.  (Yes that's treating a file as
a macro rather than defining the switch in a macro since we wouldn't want
to keep most of it in memory, and then running through it N times to cover
however many items we're picking out.)


"Andycadd" <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> Has anyone created a "pack and go" style tool for povray?

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From: Andycadd
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 17 Feb 2007 00:10:00
Message: <web.45d68cc16042346cfedbe4b90@news.povray.org>
I am intrigued with this idea, you are saying that the entire file need not
be loaded but somehow "preparsed" within a macro loop of some sort, please
explain this to me.  SDL is not my forte.  Currently I use autocad to model
and a custom Autolisp file to access the geometry and translate it into POV
and INC files.  I am considering pulling the texture file together with a
string match from a text file, hence writing a texture file definition
library file each time I access the geometry of the model.  Your idea would
mean the library file could remain complete, in fact I could load all the
texture libraries I have and only keep the textures I need.  Please if you
have any details of this lemme know.  I could very easily change my code to
lsit the names of the materials I wish to load.

Is there open-file and write-line keywords within the SDL I could just use
them to write an abbreviated texture file of what I need.

Right now I use the custom tool in Autocad to write a group of includes and
a single pov file, then in povray I click render and that is it, no editing
or changing of anything, all the standard settings are prewritten by the

"Charles C" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> A simple & compatible-for-all approach (because it's SDL), less the details:
> I bet you could re-do each library so that within each file, each "entry" is
> a #case within a giant #switch.  Then if each entry contained strings of SDL
> rather than straight SDL you could easily automate building up a smaller
> file's worth of textures or what-have-you.  (Yes that's treating a file as
> a macro rather than defining the switch in a macro since we wouldn't want
> to keep most of it in memory, and then running through it N times to cover
> however many items we're picking out.)
> Charles
> "Andycadd" <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> > Has anyone created a "pack and go" style tool for povray?

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From: Charles C
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 17 Feb 2007 17:20:01
Message: <web.45d77e776042346c9e4bf5850@news.povray.org>
I'm attaching a reduced and untested example of what I meant...  I put it in
a macro because I think I was wrong in something I said before.  The file is
re-read each time the macro is called from another file which is less than
efficient but makes me think it probably wouldn't take all that memory.  It
kindof sounds like you already have the ability to create custom
partial-library libraries save or dispose of at will, so I'm a little less
clear on what you're after.  Anyway there's a lot you can do and different
ways you can do it using the string functions and file i/o of POV-Ray.

"Andycadd" <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> I am intrigued with this idea, you are saying that the entire file need not
> be loaded but somehow "preparsed" within a macro loop of some sort, please
> explain this to me.  SDL is not my forte.  Currently I use autocad to model
> and a custom Autolisp file to access the geometry and translate it into POV
> and INC files.  I am considering pulling the texture file together with a
> string match from a text file, hence writing a texture file definition
> library file each time I access the geometry of the model.  Your idea would
> mean the library file could remain complete, in fact I could load all the
> texture libraries I have and only keep the textures I need.  Please if you
> have any details of this lemme know.  I could very easily change my code to
> lsit the names of the materials I wish to load.
> Is there open-file and write-line keywords within the SDL I could just use
> them to write an abbreviated texture file of what I need.
> Right now I use the custom tool in Autocad to write a group of includes and
> a single pov file, then in povray I click render and that is it, no editing
> or changing of anything, all the standard settings are prewritten by the
> tool.
> "Charles C" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > A simple & compatible-for-all approach (because it's SDL), less the details:
> >
> > I bet you could re-do each library so that within each file, each "entry" is
> > a #case within a giant #switch.  Then if each entry contained strings of SDL
> > rather than straight SDL you could easily automate building up a smaller
> > file's worth of textures or what-have-you.  (Yes that's treating a file as
> > a macro rather than defining the switch in a macro since we wouldn't want
> > to keep most of it in memory, and then running through it N times to cover
> > however many items we're picking out.)
> >
> > Charles
> >
> > "Andycadd" <And### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> > > Has anyone created a "pack and go" style tool for povray?

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Download 'shortend materials example.zip' (1 KB)

From: Andycadd
Subject: Re: Parsing Feature Question "pack and GO" or "briefcase" style tool
Date: 21 Feb 2007 23:30:01
Message: <web.45dd1ba76042346cfedbe4b90@news.povray.org>
so there is file output within the SDL I looked but could not find the names
of the keywords I thank you for the zip of your sample file I will look at
it this weekend

again thx very much

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