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Hi Guys,
Long time no see - it's been some years now, that I last wrote something
here - Must have been in the "old" POV-3.1 times ...
Today, with much more powerful machines on our fingertips I took the
chance to play again with some old ideas.
Here is a version of the mediasky-rendering with some changes...
This Image took ~11h on 8Core Xeon W3550 with ~3GHz (AA0.3) - and I still
haven'd activated the arealight AND there are still artifacts of not
enough samples in the media - I'll need to tweek it a bit more and then
again render with a lot more time
Greetings, Jan Walzer
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Jan Walzer wrote:
> This Image took ~11h on 8Core Xeon W3550 with ~3GHz (AA0.3)
Wow ... how long did it originally take with 3.1? ;)
Is the "bridge" a structure or the artefact you mention?
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On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 21:40:47 +0200, Christian Froeschlin <chr### [at] chrfr de>
> Jan Walzer wrote:
>> This Image took ~11h on 8Core Xeon W3550 with ~3GHz (AA0.3)
> Wow ... how long did it originally take with 3.1? ;)
I didn't render this with 3.1 - I just had nice ideas back then what one
could do with media and complex patterns ...
... but I was aware, that the quality-settings one would need were costing
more power I could afford back then ..
> Is the "bridge" a structure or the artefact you mention?
These structures are only some (very huge) objects I placed there to test
if I could get some shadows through the clouds ...
Only the cylinders, that are touching the ground are placed. The
"Bridge-Thing" you're seeing is a shadow from sunlight, but they seem, to
have not be sampled fine enough.
Having a second look, and knowing how the geometry of the scene is, I
think its correct shadow of these huge piles, and my lower cloud-layer is
simply to low and the whole scattering atmosphere is to small.
These sticks are going very wide out of the atmosphere and are throwing a
simple, standard shadow onto the atmosphere ... What I wanted to produce
is a scattering volumetric shadow inside the atmosphere ...
But the higher samplerate is also needed for the small fine turbulences in
the clouds to show up - they get washed out very much on these settings ..
I hope, I'll have a new version ready after the weekend.
Greetings, Jan
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Le 11/10/12 4:38 AM, Jan Walzer a écrit :
> Hi Guys,
> Long time no see - it's been some years now, that I last wrote something
> here - Must have been in the "old" POV-3.1 times ...
> Today, with much more powerful machines on our fingertips I took the
> chance to play again with some old ideas.
> Here is a version of the mediasky-rendering with some changes...
> This Image took ~11h on 8Core Xeon W3550 with ~3GHz (AA0.3) - and I
> still haven'd activated the arealight AND there are still artifacts of
> not enough samples in the media - I'll need to tweek it a bit more and
> then again render with a lot more time
> Greetings, Jan Walzer
Some hints on media:
The actual default sampling method is method 3.
That sampling method realy DON'T like intervals: Leave intervals to it's
default of 1. Increasing intervals hugely increase the rendering time.
If you need more sampling, only increase samples.
intervals 10 samples 1, 10 (resulting in only 10 samples) is MUCH slower
than intervals 1 samples 120...
ONLY the first value of samples is ever used. If you have two values,
the second is silently ignored. samples default value is 10 and need to
be at least 3.
The parameters ratio, confidence and variance are NOT used and silently
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On 11.10.2012 10:38, Jan Walzer wrote:
> Long time no see - it's been some years now, that I last wrote something
> here - Must have been in the "old" POV-3.1 times ...
According to my locally stored archive of image contributions to p.b.i.,
it was in December 2001!
Welcome back!
See you in Khyberspace!
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