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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 3 Jan 2012 16:44:56
Message: <4f0376d8@news.povray.org>
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Hi all:
I finally found a simple way to create an endless stream of
wallpapers for my virtual rooms, using the new tiling pattern type 5
(thanks, clipka!), combined with repeat warps in a texture_map.
Here are a few samples attached. For these I used a William Morris
wallpaper design as input, but almost anything can be used (including
procedural textures, of course).
If you enjoy repetition, try the following code at your own risk... ;)
// +w665 +h768
#version 3.7;
// change the seed until you find a nice result (shouldn't take more
than a few tries)
#declare r_pattern=seed(745);
// name of the PNG image to be used as a base
// the URL below doesn't works obviously, is just a recommended image source
// and the desired scale for it...
#declare im_scale=5;
// create the random base texture
#declare t_base=
image_map{jpeg imagemap interpolate 2}
rotate 90*x
translate rand(r_pattern)*x
translate rand(r_pattern)*z
rotate 360*rand(r_pattern)*y
scale im_scale
warp { repeat .5*x flip x}
warp { repeat sqrt(.75)*z flip z}
finish{emission 1}
// tiling
pigment_pattern{tiling 5}
[0 t_base rotate -120*y]
[1/3 t_base rotate -120*y]
[1/3 t_base]
[2/3 t_base]
[2/3 t_base rotate 120*y]
[1.0 t_base rotate 120*y]
rotate -90*x
// render it seamless
up 6/sqrt(.75)*y
right 6*x
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Download 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-01.jpg' (199 KB)
Download 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-02.jpg' (202 KB)
Download 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-03.jpg' (217 KB)
Download 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-04.jpg' (210 KB)
Preview of image 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-01.jpg'

Preview of image 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-02.jpg'

Preview of image 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-03.jpg'

Preview of image 'wpgen-t5-im_morris_snakeshead-04.jpg'

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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 3 Jan 2012 20:46:07
Message: <4f03af5f@news.povray.org>
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Very neat!
Tried some simple procedural base textures (gradient + spiral2).
I'm still not quite sure what properties a good base texture
should have, some are quite impossible to line up (your *_03
sample also has some odd edges).
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Download 'wp_spiral2.jpg' (558 KB)
Download 'wp_granite.jpg' (523 KB)
Preview of image 'wp_spiral2.jpg'

Preview of image 'wp_granite.jpg'

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From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 3 Jan 2012 23:01:44
Message: <4f03cf28$1@news.povray.org>
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On 01/03/2012 04:44 PM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
> I finally found a simple way to create an endless stream of wallpapers
> for my virtual rooms, using the new tiling pattern type 5 (thanks,
> clipka!), combined with repeat warps in a texture_map.
tiling pattern 1-24 = LeForgeron
tiling pattern 25-27 = clipka
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 4 Jan 2012 04:33:22
Message: <4f041ce2@news.povray.org>
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Thank you indeed, Jaime. Very nice and useful little job.
Is there a particular reason why the rendered tile is rectangular? Would
it not make (more) sense if the tile was square?
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Preview of image 'jvp_tiling.png'

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 4 Jan 2012 05:14:43
Message: <4f042693@news.povray.org>
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On 04/01/12 02:45, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> Very neat!
> Tried some simple procedural base textures (gradient + spiral2).
Yeah... crackle is also a good base.
> I'm still not quite sure what properties a good base texture should
> have, some are quite impossible to line up (your *_03 sample also has
> some odd edges).
Well, already repeating patterns are the best, of course. Also, you
can get ride of the random rotation, and use instead a fixed amount, to
line up the image patterns with the tiling pattern: it should give you
more chances to get a result without obvious seams.
Another way I've just found, is to apply successive repeat warps
combined with 120 degree rotations, "a la stbenge":
#declare t_base=
image_map{jpeg imagemap interpolate 2}
rotate 90*x
translate rand(r_pattern)*x
translate rand(r_pattern)*z
rotate 360*rand(r_pattern)*y
scale im_scale
#local nCount = 0;
#while ( nCount < 360/120 )
rotate 120*y
warp { repeat .5*x flip x}
warp { repeat sqrt(.75)*z flip z}
#local nCount = nCount + 1;
finish{emission 1}
This limits a bit the variety of the results, but you get ride of the
visible seams.
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 4 Jan 2012 05:17:00
Message: <4f04271c@news.povray.org>
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On 04/01/12 05:01, Jim Holsenback wrote:
> tiling pattern 1-24 = LeForgeron
> tiling pattern 25-27 = clipka
Oops! Many thanks to LeForgeron then... sorry for the confusion. :(
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 4 Jan 2012 05:28:32
Message: <4f0429d0$1@news.povray.org>
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On 04/01/12 10:33, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> Is there a particular reason why the rendered tile is rectangular?
> Would it not make (more) sense if the tile was square?
As trial&error is my most usual approach to geometry, I first tried
square repeats, but it did not work. Then I noticed the tiling type five
is not square, so I then applied good & old Pythagoras to get the
correct ratio. I really don't know if it can be made square, or if it
makes more sense... I just assumed it should be that way for this
specific symmetry. And for my wallpapering usage, if it tiles
seamlessly, that's enough. But I guess you're already thinking on the
Gancaloon ceramic tiles... ;)
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 4 Jan 2012 07:10:49
Message: <4f0441c9$1@news.povray.org>
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On 4-1-2012 11:28, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
> On 04/01/12 10:33, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> Is there a particular reason why the rendered tile is rectangular?
>> Would it not make (more) sense if the tile was square?
> As trial&error is my most usual approach to geometry, I first tried
> square repeats, but it did not work. Then I noticed the tiling type five
> is not square, so I then applied good & old Pythagoras to get the
> correct ratio. I really don't know if it can be made square, or if it
> makes more sense... I just assumed it should be that way for this
> specific symmetry. And for my wallpapering usage, if it tiles
> seamlessly, that's enough. But I guess you're already thinking on the
> Gancaloon ceramic tiles... ;)
That makes sense indeed. If the tiling type is not square, the image
should not be either :-) I missed that part indeed.
This macro makes a nice addition to your azulejos macro which I used
(and shall use again) in Gancaloon. The possibilities are endless.
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From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 12 Jan 2012 11:03:57
Message: <4f0f046d@news.povray.org>
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On 01/03/2012 04:44 PM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
> If you enjoy repetition, try the following code at your own risk... ;)
> --
> Jaime
Thanks for the #macro (sent my latest project in a different direction!)
... easy to use, just scaling and orientation for my situation.
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Preview of image 'work.png'

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: tiling type 5 + repeat warps = wallpapering non-stop
Date: 12 Jan 2012 13:19:04
Message: <4f0f2418$1@news.povray.org>
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On 12/01/12 17:02, Jim Holsenback wrote:
> Thanks for the #macro (sent my latest project in a different direction!)
> ... easy to use, just scaling and orientation for my situation.
Very nice! ... but now it's asking for some wall lamps. :)
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