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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hey POV-Ray Friends,
Hey POV-Ray friend, :D
maybe you could check out limitlessmindset.com
inf### [at] LimitlessMindsetcom
Looks like Jonathan has an infinity symbol for his website - maybe he might like
a nice ray-traced one or an animation...
Just an idea, and connecting people with similar interests.
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Hey POV-Ray friend, :D
> maybe you could check out limitlessmindset.com
> inf### [at] LimitlessMindsetcom
> Looks like Jonathan has an infinity symbol for his website - maybe he might like
> a nice ray-traced one or an animation...
> Just an idea, and connecting people with similar interests.
Wow, that's some wild stuff! The infinity symbol I made was actually part of a
logo I thought up back in the '80s while I was in college. I thought I had
discovered a way to make a perpetual motion device with magnets. I figured I'd
need a logo for my future multi-billion dollar energy company so I sketched an
infinity symbol with a lightning bolt in the middle. So just for fun, years
later I made that logo with POV-Ray (posted in the animations section September
seventh, two thousand seventeen). Here's another variation of it that I think
would make a lovely logo. It has a flat area that needs to be fixed (not easy)
but in my opinion it's still somewhat interesting in it's current unfinished
form. For the time being I've made the best of it by putting my initials in the
flat area to make it look like it's supposed to be there.
Dave Blandston
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On 12/24/18 12:35 AM, Dave Blandston wrote:
> I thought I had
> discovered a way to make a perpetual motion device with magnets.
And that's when I gave up the drugs.
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dick balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:
> On 12/24/18 12:35 AM, Dave Blandston wrote:
> > I thought I had
> > discovered a way to make a perpetual motion device with magnets.
> And that's when I gave up the drugs.
Ha ha! I found my notes years later (including the sketch, which inspired the
POV project) and tried to find the error in my computations just for fun.
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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> For the time being I've made the best of it by putting my initials in the
> flat area to make it look like it's supposed to be there.
Perhaps if you somehow found a way to "wrap" around from your initials to the
infinity and back again, you could go from a David Blaine - type logo to the
"reversed" infinity "halves" and back - and then do some sort of funky 3D
rotational trickery.
Or perhaps something to do with shadows a la Douglas R. Hofstadter's "Godel,
Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid"
or maybe incorporate the initials and the infinity a different way...
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Perhaps if you somehow found a way to "wrap" around from your initials to the
> infinity and back again, you could go from a David Blaine - type logo to the
> "reversed" infinity "halves" and back - and then do some sort of funky 3D
> rotational trickery.
This idea sounds intriguing but I don't quite understand what you're suggesting.
Could you elaborate some more?
The "Perception versus Perspective" picture looked like a fun scene to copy so I
did. It's an ingenious illustration of a great concept so thanks for passing
that one on! The media didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped though...
Dave Blandston
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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> > Perhaps if you somehow found a way to "wrap" around from your initials to the
> > infinity and back again, you could go from a David Blaine - type logo to the
> > "reversed" infinity "halves" and back - and then do some sort of funky 3D
> > rotational trickery.
> This idea sounds intriguing but I don't quite understand what you're suggesting.
Neither do I. ;D
> Could you elaborate some more?
Well, I thought at first that the two halves of the infinity could be made into
a sort of db, but it's more of a bd shape. So then I thought that if you put a
db in front of the infinity, then you could somehow tie into the infinity from
the front, and have it work.
Since that might be a little sketchy, then I thought that maybe if the db and
the infinity were somehow "open" on both front and back (like neon sign letters
made from a single tube), you could have a continuous "spline" going all the way
around, and then project a shadow on a background to give a "closed" db that
morphs into a "closed" infinity and back again - maybe with something clever in
the transitions.
> The "Perception versus Perspective" picture looked like a fun scene to copy so I
> did. It's an ingenious illustration of a great concept so thanks for passing
> that one on! The media didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped though...
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Well, I thought at first that the two halves of the infinity could be made into
> a sort of db, but it's more of a bd shape. So then I thought that if you put a
> db in front of the infinity, then you could somehow tie into the infinity from
> the front, and have it work.
> Since that might be a little sketchy, then I thought that maybe if the db and
> the infinity were somehow "open" on both front and back (like neon sign letters
> made from a single tube), you could have a continuous "spline" going all the way
> around, and then project a shadow on a background to give a "closed" db that
> morphs into a "closed" infinity and back again - maybe with something clever in
> the transitions.
Hmmm... I may or may not understand what you're describing correctly but even so
what I'm envisioning from your suggestion would be pretty cool indeed. But alas
very difficult and (worse) time consuming. I may have to set this little
side-project aside for now until some new inspiration hits me. Logos have
interested me for a long time and I think they're a lot of fun to make though.
Have a great day!
Dave Blandston
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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> ... Logos have interested me for a long time ...
(though you probably know it already)
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> hi,
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgrHFEVJY4w
> (though you probably know it already)
Oh my goodness! I had not seen that before - that's quite an accomplishment!
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