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Here's some camera movement in-and-among the buildings (see my earlier post in
the "images" section for general reference.)
I'm still working on various building details-- and even my overall approach--
but I liked this animation experiment enough to post it. Only very minor changes
since my last still-image post.
Seeing the buildings close-up shows some subtle 'architectural' errors that I
want to address-- like adding some color to the 'concrete' edges and tops of the
buildings, rather than the current boring shades of gray. I also added random
colors to the buildings' window reflections... but some of the 'glass' colors
look unnatural, so I might try to 'restrict' their color pallette somehow.
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Download 'buildings n sky 11 exp 2.mp4.mpg' (3534 KB)
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On 7/24/2017 8:25 PM, Kenneth wrote:
> Here's some camera movement in-and-among the buildings (see my earlier post in
> the "images" section for general reference.)
That's very good.
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"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Here's some camera movement in-and-among the buildings (see my earlier post in
> the "images" section for general reference.)
I like it. It's a nice effect and quite realistic already.
> Seeing the buildings close-up shows some subtle 'architectural' errors that I
> want to address
Yeah, still a bit of room for improvement there. What most strikes me is the
concrete edge of each building, in particular where it seems to intersect with
some of the windows. Hopefully that's easily fixed.
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"Eriban" <pov### [at] spamgourmetcom> wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > Here's some camera movement in-and-among the buildings (see my earlier post in
> > the "images" section for general reference.)
> I like it. It's a nice effect and quite realistic already.
> > Seeing the buildings close-up shows some subtle 'architectural' errors that I
> > want to address
> Yeah, still a bit of room for improvement there. What most strikes me is the
> concrete edge of each building, in particular where it seems to intersect with
> some of the windows. Hopefully that's easily fixed.
Yes, that's the *main* flaw (right now!) My plan is to re-write my code so that
the building widths and heights are based on strict multiples of the (small)
'tiled' window/facade photo images that I used. That should take care of the
chopped-off windows. (When I first started working on the scene, I was willing
to let that flaw pass...and others as well. But that philosophy isn't the 'road
to perfection'!! Especially if I want to see the buildings close-up.)
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Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> That's very good.
Thanks. Still lots of work to do!
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Good work sir! Good work!
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On 24.07.2017 21:25, Kenneth wrote:
> Here's some camera movement in-and-among the buildings (see my earlier post in
> the "images" section for general reference.)
> I'm still working on various building details-- and even my overall approach--
> but I liked this animation experiment enough to post it. Only very minor changes
> since my last still-image post.
> Seeing the buildings close-up shows some subtle 'architectural' errors that I
> want to address-- like adding some color to the 'concrete' edges and tops of the
> buildings, rather than the current boring shades of gray. I also added random
> colors to the buildings' window reflections... but some of the 'glass' colors
> look unnatural, so I might try to 'restrict' their color pallette somehow.
Lovely, nevertheless! And you perhaps already know my standard question...
...may I Commodore64ize/AtariSTize this and re-publish it (of course
crediting you!) like I did with your Green Gas Cloud?
And later on, you should also add a road system... traffic lights,
signposts and all!
See you in Khyberspace!
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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> ...may I Commodore64ize/AtariSTize this and re-publish it (of course
> crediting you!) like I did with your Green Gas Cloud?
Yes, go to work on it! ;-) Hopefully, my next animation will show some
improvements that I've been slaving over.
> And later on, you should also add a road system... traffic lights,
> signposts and all!
Indeed! I also need to put the buildings into a typical 'city grid' layout,
instead of all randomly jumbled up. That will also help determine where the
smaller road-level details will go.
By the year 2020, I should have it all worked out :-P
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On 27.07.2017 10:18, Kenneth wrote:
> Indeed! I also need to put the buildings into a typical 'city grid' layout,
> instead of all randomly jumbled up. That will also help determine where the
> smaller road-level details will go.
> By the year 2020, I should have it all worked out :-P
I myself also toy with a grand city scheme... firstly, of course pre-war
Kabul in the historical "1973" mode of Khyberspace, but then also the
"Afghatopia 2050" mode, an alternate reality where all the terrible
destruction after 1978 did not happen, but rather Afghanistan went a
similar way like China, evolving into a spacefaring economic superpower,
with futuristic high-rise structures in its cities, at least like
today's Dubai...
But first I have to complete the Everlasting Scrabble, in honor of my
late father!
See you in Khyberspace!
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From: Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann
Subject: Re: city buildings-- animation 1
Date: 11 Aug 2017 10:13:22
Message: <598dbb82@news.povray.org>
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On 27.07.2017 10:18, Kenneth wrote:
> Yes, go to work on it! ;-) Hopefully, my next animation will show some
> improvements that I've been slaving over.
Here it is:
Atari ST monochrome, no dithering, threshold value = 130:
Atari ST monochrome, Floyd-Steinberg dithering:
Commodore 64 versions may follow later!
See you in Khyberspace!
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