POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Debugging loop-generated texture_map Server Time
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  Debugging loop-generated texture_map (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Debugging loop-generated texture_map
Date: 21 Jul 2019 17:45:01
Message: <web.5d34dbd743e61d704eec112d0@news.povray.org>
So, I'm trying to take a bunch of textures and pick random ones and generate a
texture_map with those. (stolen from HOF pebbles.pov)

qtpovray gives me:

Parse Error: Must have at least one entry in map.
at File: TwistedSoaCheP.pov Line: 209 Col: 20

So I'm wondering why it doesn't register any entries.

I'm also wondering how I take the current erroneous state of the texture map and
output it to the debug stream, so I can actually see what's wrong.

   #declare TexArray = array [21];

    #declare Texture_Map =
    texture_map {
    #for (Tex, 0, 20)
     [ Tex/20
    //texture {
          // Add the default texture
     pigment {
            // Select a random pattern.
      color_map {
              // Choose a random colour scheme.

          // Randomize the pattern's position and rotation.
          translate <rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100>
          rotate <rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360>
    //} // end texture

        // Decide randomly which of the dirt/speckle/line overlay textures we
want to use.
        #declare DecalLoop = 0;
        #while (DecalLoop < DecalPatternCount)
          #if (rand(RandPat) < 0.2)
              translate <rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100,
              rotate <rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360>
          #declare DecalLoop = DecalLoop + 1;



   #declare TexArray = array [21];

    #declare Texture_Map =
    texture_map {
    #for (Tex, 0, 20)
     [ Tex/20
    //texture {
          // Add the default texture
     pigment {
            // Select a random pattern.
      color_map {
              // Choose a random colour scheme.

          // Randomize the pattern's position and rotation.
          translate <rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100>
          rotate <rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360>
    //} // end texture

        // Decide randomly which of the dirt/speckle/line overlay textures we
want to use.
        #declare DecalLoop = 0;
        #while (DecalLoop < DecalPatternCount)
          #if (rand(RandPat) < 0.2)
              translate <rand(RandPat)*100, rand(RandPat)*100,
              rotate <rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360, rand(RandPat)*360>
          #declare DecalLoop = DecalLoop + 1;



It also doesn't like me trying to layer those.  Maybe I can make an array of
layered textures, and populate the texture_map with those.

(I tried to make the texture map by defining textures as array entries, and then
building the texture_map that way - but same error.)

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Debugging loop-generated texture_map
Date: 21 Jul 2019 18:15:01
Message: <web.5d34e2f56469dcf84eec112d0@news.povray.org>
OK, I got past the initial hurdle, and the texture_map is fine (apparently
POV-Ray didn't say that Texture_map was an invalid/undeclared identifier and
tried to use it anyway - the actual identifier is Texture_Map (capital M) )

So now I'm stuck trying to apply the commented out inner loop to make a layered

I get
Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', texture found instead
at File: TwistedSoaCheP.pov Line: 173 Col: 14

The wiki shows:

#declare Layered_Examp =
  texture {T1}
  texture {T2}
  texture {T3}

may be invoked as follows:

object {
  texture {
    // Any pigment, normal or finish here
    // modifies the bottom layer only.

{Notice also the typo error in the object texture - it should be
"Layered_Examp", not "Layer }_Examp"

So I will keep picking away at why it's not working.

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