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Hi I tried to use min_extent and max_extent for a object I want
to drop on several others, the issue is that the result is only
a small part of it in the middle, is there any macro/function
available which is more succesful?
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If min_extent and max_extent don't give you the right results, then
you're object wouldn't be rendered correctly, either. So I guess that
not these functions, but the rest of your code is the problem. Perhaps
you can show us the relevant parts?
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here are the nominees ;-)
first the object to drop on is a mesh heightfield, I used a simple version
of a rectangle to define the area...:
#declare OBCollision = mesh2 {
texture_list { 1, texture{blender_default_tex}}
face_indices { 2,<0,1,2>,0,<2,3,0>,0}
normal_indices {0}
matrix <18.9097,0,0,0,18.9097,0,0,0,22.1856,-2.29326,-1.36449,9.97583>}
and then I defined the function to drop on:
#declare Object = object{OBCollision};
#declare MinBox = min_extent(Object);
#declare MaxBox = max_extent(Object);
and this is the result of the drop on function I use:
I hope you guyz are able to help me,
by the way the object(Mesh Heightfield) is properly recognized by
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Wasn't it McHannemann who wrote:
>here are the nominees ;-)
>first the object to drop on is a mesh heightfield, I used a simple version
>of a rectangle to define the area...:
>#declare OBCollision = mesh2 {
> vertex_vectors
> normal_vectors
> texture_list { 1, texture{blender_default_tex}}
> face_indices { 2,<0,1,2>,0,<2,3,0>,0}
> normal_indices {0}
> matrix <18.9097,0,0,0,18.9097,0,0,0,22.1856,-2.29326,-1.36449,9.97583>}
>and then I defined the function to drop on:
>#declare Object = object{OBCollision};
>#declare MinBox = min_extent(Object);
>#declare MaxBox = max_extent(Object);
>and this is the result of the drop on function I use:
>I hope you guyz are able to help me,
>by the way the object(Mesh Heightfield) is properly recognized by
It's easy to show that the object is inside its bounding box. Just do
#declare BBox = box {MinBox,MaxBox pigment {rgb x}}
difference {
object {OBCollision}
object {BBox}
This displays all the parts of the object that are outside the bounding
box, and the resulting render is completely blank. The object is
completely inside the bounding box.
Whatever's going wrong with your later processing can't be blamed on
min_extent and max_extent problems.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Hi Mike,
I just wondered too what happens there,
makesnow gets the object sorted properly,
so I will compare the two macros,
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After comparing the macros and figuring that there was no
difference in the lines, I reinstalled PovRay and it was fine
after that, kinda weird to be honest.
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