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I'll be glad if you help me with:
1. i run pov files from matlab, but the curser do'nt return to matlab
command window ,and even if it's return to matlab ,i have to close pov
for run other file of pov from matlab.
2. i want to know how to run several files of pov from matlab, and every
time to return to matlab.
3. after i making the scene and run pov, i want to know the value of the
gary level of a specific pixel in the camera.
4. I'll be glad to get examples of every issue.
5. lots of thank's.
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Which version of POV-Ray, and especially under which operating system do
you use?
If you're using the official POV-Ray for Windows, then there's no way to
stop the GUI (The POV-Ray Window) from appearing. You can use MegaPOV,
though, which offers a command line executable IIRC. You can find
MegaPOV at http://megapov.intetart.net.
With MegaPOV and any other command line interface version (e.g. POV-Ray
for Un*x/Linux), make sure you have set the -P option either via a
command line parameter or in your povray.conf/povray.ini. Otherwise
POV-Ray will wait for you to close the render window. To get rid off the
render window completely, use the -D switch.
Getting the gray level of a pixel in the image is probably easier if you
use Matlab (as you're using it anyways). IIRC you're able to load images
with Matlab (make sure you select the right output format in POV-Ray).
Then you'll have access to the whole image data.
Hope that helps, if not just ask some more :)
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Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Which version of POV-Ray, and especially under which operating system do
> you use?
> If you're using the official POV-Ray for Windows, then there's no way to
> stop the GUI (The POV-Ray Window) from appearing. You can use MegaPOV,
> though, which offers a command line executable IIRC. You can find
> MegaPOV at http://megapov.intetart.net.
> With MegaPOV and any other command line interface version (e.g. POV-Ray
> for Un*x/Linux), make sure you have set the -P option either via a
> command line parameter or in your povray.conf/povray.ini. Otherwise
> POV-Ray will wait for you to close the render window. To get rid off the
> render window completely, use the -D switch.
> Getting the gray level of a pixel in the image is probably easier if you
> use Matlab (as you're using it anyways). IIRC you're able to load images
> with Matlab (make sure you select the right output format in POV-Ray).
> Then you'll have access to the whole image data.
> Hope that helps, if not just ask some more :)
> Florian
Hi Florian and thans verymuch for your help.
1. I'm a new user and I need examples to understand you, if you do'nt mind.
2. first i'm using ver pov3.6 for windows, and i have xp windows version.
3. second, i want to run pov lot's of time from matlab, and every time the
same pov file but with new values (which given from malab function) other
the last time, without open the pov window.
4. i want to read the gray level values in the pov program.
5. again, lot's of thanks.
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> 1. I'm a new user and I need examples to understand you, if you do'nt mind.
That's no problem at all. Keep in mind, though, that this newsgroup is
for advanced questions. I saw you tried povray.newusers first, so you
know about that. For a question like yours, povray.general would've been
the best group. But here we go :)
> 2. first i'm using ver pov3.6 for windows, and i have xp windows version.
Okay. This version of POV-Ray will *always* open the POV-Ray window, and
you have no option to change that. But you can use another version of
POV-Ray, an unofficial compile called MegaPOV, which can be run from the
command line without opening a window (MegaPOV allows you to do the same
things as normal POV-Ray but has some extra patches for experimental
features added). You can get MegaPOV from http://megapov.inetart.net.
Download and install it.
> 3. second, i want to run pov lot's of time from matlab, and every time the
> same pov file but with new values (which given from malab function) other
> the last time, without open the pov window.
You'll have to find a way to pass your values to the POV scene file, if
they are different all the time. Or do you write your scene file on the
fly? If not, write the values into an include file which is then
included via "#include" by your scene file.
When calling MegaPOV, make sure you use the command line executable, not
the graphical interface one (it comes with two executables, both are
placed in the same folder as the original POV-Ray executable IIRC).
> 4. i want to read the gray level values in the pov program.
Let's leave that question unanswered until we finished your problems
above. Better to concentrate on one thing at a time :)
> 5. again, lot's of thanks.
You're welcome. If you still have problems with the explanations above,
just ask again (and add some details about what's not working as expected).
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Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> Hi!
> > 1. I'm a new user and I need examples to understand you, if you do'nt mind.
> That's no problem at all. Keep in mind, though, that this newsgroup is
> for advanced questions. I saw you tried povray.newusers first, so you
> know about that. For a question like yours, povray.general would've been
> the best group. But here we go :)
> > 2. first i'm using ver pov3.6 for windows, and i have xp windows version.
> Okay. This version of POV-Ray will *always* open the POV-Ray window, and
> you have no option to change that. But you can use another version of
> POV-Ray, an unofficial compile called MegaPOV, which can be run from the
> command line without opening a window (MegaPOV allows you to do the same
> things as normal POV-Ray but has some extra patches for experimental
> features added). You can get MegaPOV from http://megapov.inetart.net.
> Download and install it.
> > 3. second, i want to run pov lot's of time from matlab, and every time the
> > same pov file but with new values (which given from malab function) other
> > the last time, without open the pov window.
> You'll have to find a way to pass your values to the POV scene file, if
> they are different all the time. Or do you write your scene file on the
> fly? If not, write the values into an include file which is then
> included via "#include" by your scene file.
> When calling MegaPOV, make sure you use the command line executable, not
> the graphical interface one (it comes with two executables, both are
> placed in the same folder as the original POV-Ray executable IIRC).
> > 4. i want to read the gray level values in the pov program.
> Let's leave that question unanswered until we finished your problems
> above. Better to concentrate on one thing at a time :)
> > 5. again, lot's of thanks.
> You're welcome. If you still have problems with the explanations above,
> just ask again (and add some details about what's not working as expected).
> Florian
Hoo my friend Florian
1. sorry to disturb u, but...
2. I have download the megapov, and i want to know how to run my plan from
matlab without openinig the pov window.
3. I want to continue step by step as your good offer.
4. Thanks again.
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Hi Shimon!
Okay, so you've downloaded (and installed?) MegaPOV. Fine! Now look into
your folder where the original POV-Ray executable is stored (By default
that's somewhere in C:\Program Files\POV-Ray\binaries, I'm not on
Windows here, so I can't check, sorry). There should also be 2 MegaPOV
executables in that directory. Try which one is the command line one in
case you can't make it out from the filenames (Just doubleclick on them
and see which one does not popup the usual POV-Ray window).
Then replace your call to POV-Ray with the call to the command line
MegaPOV. How are you calling POV-Ray right now? I'm not using Matlab too
much, so I guess your code looks like
!C:\Program Files\POV-Ray\binaries\pvengine.exe
system('C:\Program Files\POV-Ray\binaries.pvengine.exe')
Just replace 'pvengine.exe' with the filename you just found out - Your
script should now run without opening a POV-Ray window.
Did that work so far? If not, what went wrong? Can you please post the
Matlab code you're using to run POV-Ray?
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Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> Hi Shimon!
> Okay, so you've downloaded (and installed?) MegaPOV. Fine! Now look into
> your folder where the original POV-Ray executable is stored (By default
> that's somewhere in C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinaries, I'm not on
> Windows here, so I can't check, sorry). There should also be 2 MegaPOV
> executables in that directory. Try which one is the command line one in
> case you can't make it out from the filenames (Just doubleclick on them
> and see which one does not popup the usual POV-Ray window).
> Then replace your call to POV-Ray with the call to the command line
> MegaPOV. How are you calling POV-Ray right now? I'm not using Matlab too
> much, so I guess your code looks like
> !C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinariespvengine.exe
> or
> system('C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinaries.pvengine.exe')
> Just replace 'pvengine.exe' with the filename you just found out - Your
> script should now run without opening a POV-Ray window.
> Did that work so far? If not, what went wrong? Can you please post the
> Matlab code you're using to run POV-Ray?
> HTH,
> Florian
Hi for my friend Florian Brucker
1. I've replaced the 'pvengine.exe' to 'mpengine.exe', and it open the
megapov window when the file is runinig. which means that my script
run without opening a POV-Ray window.
2. now my old friend i need your help.
3. have all bless.
4. bye.
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According to the MegaPOV website, the current version is shipped with
*two* executables: One which behaves like the standard POV-Ray (i.e.
opening a window) and another which is a command line version (which
doesn't open a window). In the zip-file there's a mpengine.exe and a
megapov.exe. Did you try both?
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Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> Hi Shimon!
> Okay, so you've downloaded (and installed?) MegaPOV. Fine! Now look into
> your folder where the original POV-Ray executable is stored (By default
> that's somewhere in C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinaries, I'm not on
> Windows here, so I can't check, sorry). There should also be 2 MegaPOV
> executables in that directory. Try which one is the command line one in
> case you can't make it out from the filenames (Just doubleclick on them
> and see which one does not popup the usual POV-Ray window).
> Then replace your call to POV-Ray with the call to the command line
> MegaPOV. How are you calling POV-Ray right now? I'm not using Matlab too
> much, so I guess your code looks like
> !C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinariespvengine.exe
> or
> system('C:Program FilesPOV-Raybinaries.pvengine.exe')
> Just replace 'pvengine.exe' with the filename you just found out - Your
> script should now run without opening a POV-Ray window.
> Did that work so far? If not, what went wrong? Can you please post the
> Matlab code you're using to run POV-Ray?
> HTH,
> Florian
Hi Florian
1. the matlab code that i'm using is
! mpengine +Ipovfile.pov +V +Wscreen_width +Hscreen_height
2. bye
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Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> According to the MegaPOV website, the current version is shipped with
> *two* executables: One which behaves like the standard POV-Ray (i.e.
> opening a window) and another which is a command line version (which
> doesn't open a window). In the zip-file there's a mpengine.exe and a
> megapov.exe. Did you try both?
> HTH,
> Florian
Florian Florian my friend
1. I've tried the two option's, and the megapov.exe file dose'nt runing the
povfile, and is opening DOS window insted of runing the povfile.
2. help me please...
3. little of houmer..
4. lots of thanks.
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