"Karima" <Ala### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> "Karima" <Ala### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> > I simply put up a frame for the portal and then built the scene which can be
> > seen through the portal right behind into the complete scene. I had to
> > calculate where to put the 'walls' of the 'portal room'. Well. Perhaps
> > simply look at my picture and if it is the thing you would like to do I
> > could try to explain how I made it more in detail
Thanks Chris,
Do you mean that you made a smaller scene behind the doorway, arranged just
so that the edges are not protruding around the edges of the door?
I had considered doing something like this, but wasn't sure whether it was
worth fiddling with the positions like that. I am a pretty messy world
designer and I end up moving around a lot before I settle on a good
position to shoot from.
Your post has made me think maybe a variant on your suggestion might be the
way to go. As I'm wanting to use a sphere as the portal I might just make
the other scene inside the sphere, and just try to give the appearance of a
whole other world. The trick is going to be avoiding the
little-world-in-a-snowy-paperweight look.
Thanks, and best wishes,
- Miriam
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