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Difficult to explain without images ;-)
Please have a look at
http://rustedtech.homelinux.net/fileadmin/Files/Twisting.png (only 3.9kB).
This is an ontop view of my needs.
What i am searching for is a function to bend from the inner circle to the
outer circle, not along an axis (what makes "bend.inc" inkompatible for my
Has anyone got an idea how i can do this, or, even better, a macro?
Greets, qeldroma
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> Difficult to explain without images ;-)
> Please have a look at
> http://rustedtech.homelinux.net/fileadmin/Files/Twisting.png (only
> 3.9kB). This is an ontop view of my needs.
> What i am searching for is a function to bend from the inner circle to
> the outer circle, not along an axis (what makes "bend.inc"
> inkompatible for my needs).
> Has anyone got an idea how i can do this, or, even better, a macro?
With a mesh, you could get some inspiration for a patch looking at
beware: Site is in french, and provided code is for 3.1g!
Looks like "roll" is what you might be looking for.
l'habillement, les chaussures que le maquillage et les accessoires.
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<nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> Difficult to explain without images ;-)
> Please have a look at
> http://rustedtech.homelinux.net/fileadmin/Files/Twisting.png (only 3.9kB).
> This is an ontop view of my needs.
> What i am searching for is a function to bend from the inner circle to the
> outer circle, not along an axis (what makes "bend.inc" inkompatible for my
> needs).
> Has anyone got an idea how i can do this, or, even better, a macro?
> Greets, qeldroma
What I think you are looking for can be done with a parametric surface:
// Parametric variable form
#declare uMin = 0; // Minimum u value
#declare uMax = pi; // Maximum u value
#declare uNum = 73; // Number of points in u direction
#declare uWrap = 0; // u wraps around if != 0
#declare uSeed = 9135; // Random number seed for u parameter
#declare vMin = 0; // Minimum v value
#declare vMax = radians(355); // Maximum v value
#declare vNum = 72; // Number of points in v direction
#declare vWrap = 1; // v wraps around if != 0
#declare vSeed = 2252; // Random number seed for v parameter
#declare IsRnd = false; // True if random number used
#declare IsUV = true; // True if uv-mapping used
#declare Smooth = 0; // Smooth flag
#declare Detail = "Partial"
/* Detail values
Verbose = Line by line details
Partial = Operations only
Other = Filename only
/* For all macro functions
i = Current value of u parameter
j = Current value of v parameter
p = Current value of u variance (0...1)
q = Current value of v variance (0...1)
// Optional functions
// point function
#macro pnt(i, j, p, q)
#local ptBase = <sin(i)*cos(j),cos(i),sin(i)*sin(j)*10>;
#local ptRad = vlength(ptBase);
#local ptAng = 90/ptRad;
This should come close to making one of your two twisted bars.
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