"HenryW" <pov### [at] henrywagner org> wrote in message
> I've been working on a POV model of a football stadium:
> http://www.henrywagner.org/povray/images/POPMart2.htm
> http://www.henrywagner.org/povray/images/POPMart3.htm
> Currently the model is generated using the POV scripting syntax to
> the stadium out of triangles in the shape of an ellipse. As I add more
> details, the number of triangles is getting out of control. Today it hit
> me, I could just define the points that make up the profile and "sweep"
> stadium out with lathe or sor, but I haven't been able to figure out how
> create the elliptical shape. One idea is to create a spherical stadium and
> use "scale" to stretch it along one axis, but I don't think that will look
> right. Is there away to sweep an object along an elliptical path? Any
> ideas of how to speed this up?
I passed this message up before thinking someone would give you some kind of
answer before now. I was thinking perhaps something Tor Olav Kristensen has
done in the past might help. Mainly because he's done some great things with
manipulating POV-Ray objects. Unfortunately I'm not finding the exact thing
to show you. Only this:
But there's also 'prism', which could be plotted out into a ellipse and be
made conical at the same time. Might take a little learning if you're
unfamiliar with it but that would be my best suggestion.
Well, maybe you can adjust this one:
// stadium
prism {
0.5, // height 1
1, // height 2
22, // number of points
/* now the uv vectors */
// inner
< -0.5, -1.5>*0.9,
< 0, -2>*0.9,
< 1, -1.5>*0.9,
< 1.25, 0>*0.9,
< 1, 1.5>*0.9,
< 0, 2>*0.9,
< -1, 1.5>*0.9,
< -1.25, 0>*0.9,
< -1, -1.5>*0.9,
< 0, -2>*0.9,
< 0.5,-1.5>*0.9,
// outer
< -0.5, -1.5>,
< 0, -2>,
< 1, -1>,
< 1.25, 0>,
< 1, 1>,
< 0, 2>,
< -1, 1>,
< -1.25, 0>,
< -1, -1>,
< 0, -2>,
< 0.5,-1.5>
pigment {rgb 1}
scale <1,0.667,1>
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gonzo wrote:
>Hughes, B. wrote:
>>"HenryW" <pov### [at] henrywagner org> wrote in message
>>> Currently the model is generated using the POV scripting syntax to
>>> the stadium out of triangles in the shape of an ellipse. As I add more
>>> details, the number of triangles is getting out of control. Today it hit
>>> me, I could just define the points that make up the profile and "sweep"
>>> stadium out with lathe or sor, but I haven't been able to figure out how
>>> create the elliptical shape.
>>But there's also 'prism', which could be plotted out into a ellipse and be
>>made conical at the same time. Might take a little learning if you're
>>unfamiliar with it but that would be my best suggestion.
>Or maybe a combination of the two... Make spline of your profile, then make
>a lathe object and union it with prisms made from the same spline. Prism
>requires a closed spline so you probably have to use lathe rather than SOR.
Thanks for the tips! Currently I'm working on the triangle based version,
though I think I'm going to need more memory ;-)
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