I have a wall of bricks (while-looped isosurfaces) and need some way of
determining if they are inside a larger isosurface - visualise a hole
blasted in a wall, if that helps. Also, I need to scatter objects around
the inside of the resulting hole. Does povray have this kind of
functionality? If so, where can I look to learn about it?
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On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:01:16 EDT, "Jkior" <jki### [at] zworg com> wrote:
> I have a wall of bricks (while-looped isosurfaces) and need some way of
> determining if they are inside a larger isosurface - visualise a hole
> blasted in a wall, if that helps. Also, I need to scatter objects around
> the inside of the resulting hole. Does povray have this kind of
> functionality? If so, where can I look to learn about it?
In case of isosurfaces you can write function to use functions of isosurfaces
and perform operations on it: sample for intersections, find best placing on
some conditions, find "deeper" place in isosurface. During 3.5 betatesting I
have started similiar macros but breaked this becouse of beta-time bugs. It is
still in my "TO DO".
Similiar questions comes to this server from time to time. Perhaps it is
candidate to FAQ ? (or it is there but I missed this entry)
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