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images with mosaic preview that use radiosity render about 30% slower - is
this supposed to work that way ?
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> Hi,
> images with mosaic preview that use radiosity render about 30% slower - is
> this supposed to work that way ?
Yes, radiosity uses mosaic for prescanning. (i don't know all the technical
Try turning of mosaic and adding:
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.01
in the global_settings block, you will still get a mosaic preview.
pretrace_start and pretrace_end determine the start and end of the mosaic
preview used by radiosity.
I hope this is what you were asking and I haven't misunderstood.
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"TinCanMan" <Tin### [at] hotmail com> wrote in
> Yes, radiosity uses mosaic for prescanning. (i don't know all the
> technical jargon).
> Try turning of mosaic and adding:
> radiosity{
> pretrace_start 0.08
> pretrace_end 0.01
> }
> I hope this is what you were asking and I haven't misunderstood.
Yes. So - if I specify mosaic_preview in hope to render image in same time
byt to sooner se all image in lower resolution - in fact this walue would
effect radiosity calculations...
But maybe this is not good, i.e. I work usualy in :
that is suttable for most situations, and I alsow often change my radiosity
on/off in debugging process... So each time when I set radiostiy ON I
should disable mosiac_preview and vice-versa.
If just possibility of changing .ini files from inside .pov will be
returned (it was afair in MegaPov) that this would be easy to 'fix'
#if (use_radiosity)
radiosity { ... }
ini_options { "preview_start=1" }
when this possibiliy will be in Pov ?
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On 25 Jun 2002 16:08:25 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> Hi,
> images with mosaic preview that use radiosity render about 30% slower - is
> this supposed to work that way ?
Which POV version ?
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>> images with mosaic preview that use radiosity render about 30% slower
>> - is this supposed to work that way ?
> Which POV version ?
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> Yes. So - if I specify mosaic_preview in hope to render image in same time
> byt to sooner se all image in lower resolution - in fact this walue would
> effect radiosity calculations...
> But maybe this is not good, i.e. I work usualy in :
> Width=512
> Height=384
> Antialias=Off
> Preview_Start_Size=128
> Preview_End_Size=2
> that is suttable for most situations, and I alsow often change my
> on/off in debugging process... So each time when I set radiostiy ON I
> should disable mosiac_preview and vice-versa.
I suppose you already know that in 3.5 you don't set radiosity on in the ini
file, you just add the radiosity{} block to the global_settings{} block.
It seems that the Preview_Start_Size and Preview_End_Size settings in the
ini file (if set) will override the pretrace_start and pretrace_end
settings of the radiosity block so you would need to do what you suggest. I
don't know if this is intended as I can't find anything in the docs that
would indicate it.
> If just possibility of changing .ini files from inside .pov will be
> returned (it was afair in MegaPov) that this would be easy to 'fix'
> #if (use_radiosity)
> radiosity { ... }
> ini_options { "preview_start=1" }
> #end
> when this possibiliy will be in Pov ?
This is not possible in POV (3.1 or 3.5), and as far as I've seen, there is
no intention of adding it, however in 3.5 you can add swithces to the
command-line box.
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On 26 Jun 2002 05:36:48 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> > > images with mosaic preview that use radiosity render about 30% slower
> > > - is this supposed to work that way ?
> > Which POV version ?
> 3.5
It was already mentioned for 3.5 in thread
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