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OK... my new object is ready to discuss... any pov programmers
who would like to help code it please send email. I can describe the
object, but am not familar at all with pov programming.
Hopefully, it is a feature which can be included in an upcoming
release of POV.
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On Tue, 6 Jul 1999 17:51:44 -0500, Stewart #7 <stu### [at] alien ufo net>
> OK... my new object is ready to discuss... any pov programmers
>who would like to help code it please send email. I can describe the
>object, but am not familar at all with pov programming.
> Hopefully, it is a feature which can be included in an upcoming
>release of POV.
Why not just post it here? All us programmers are likely in one group
or the other.
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Oops ! It looks like somebody else was working on a new "blob"
before I was :) I apologize to you, LummoxJR, for any partial infringing
on your blob's name... my blob apparently tried to do the same thing, but
in a different way, so maybe "Omni-Blobs" should be a new object class
in POV :)
So far as "my omni-blob" project itself - I am at a standstill.
Although POV seems capable of supporting my blob, I can see no way to
program it directly, and there are modelers which produce a similar
result... so I'm happy to let it sit for now, unless of course somebody
has come up with a way to program it ???
my best to all who took/take an interest in this
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Sorry, I'm a little confused... my friend seems to distinguish
texture mapping from full raytracing... so, does POV offer an option
at render time... plain-old-texture mapping or full RayTrace ??
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Stewart #7 wrote:
> Sorry, I'm a little confused... my friend seems to distinguish
> texture mapping from full raytracing... so, does POV offer an option
> at render time... plain-old-texture mapping or full RayTrace ??
It is always in full raytrace mode.
Ken Tyler
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Maybe your friend is making the distinction between scan-line rendering
algorithms (where the environment, etc is essentially projected/texture
mapped back onto the scene geometry) and raytracing.
Full raytracing is slower, but is great at doing things like reflection.
Just a thought.
Stewart #7 wrote in message ...
> Sorry, I'm a little confused... my friend seems to distinguish
>texture mapping from full raytracing... so, does POV offer an option
>at render time... plain-old-texture mapping or full RayTrace ??
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