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Well... it looks like most any object could be rendered, using
the available object types... but just in case (!) - how can a new
object type be written ? ...is this possible without re-writing
the entire program ?
povray is excellent...and glad to see your newsgroup is accessible.
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if you define it with other ready made objects it's very easy to do
#declare peanut = union {
sphere {.....}
sphere {.......}
object {peanut}
Stewart #7 wrote:
> Well... it looks like most any object could be rendered, using
> the available object types... but just in case (!) - how can a new
> object type be written ? ...is this possible without re-writing
> the entire program ?
> povray is excellent...and glad to see your newsgroup is accessible.
> stu
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Or if you mean a totally different object type... like for example a helical
spiral, you can write macros to automate the process.
For the latest 3D Studio MAX plug-ins, images and much more, go to:
The Zone - http://come.to/the.zone
For a totally different experience, visit my Chroma Key Website:
Colorblind - http://listen.to/colorblind
Noah A wrote in message <3770131D.E361FD44@powersurfr.com>...
>if you define it with other ready made objects it's very easy to do
>#declare peanut = union {
>sphere {.....}
>sphere {.......}
>object {peanut}
>Stewart #7 wrote:
>> Well... it looks like most any object could be rendered, using
>> the available object types... but just in case (!) - how can a new
>> object type be written ? ...is this possible without re-writing
>> the entire program ?
>> povray is excellent...and glad to see your newsgroup is accessible.
>> stu
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Or you can use the superpatch which includes isosurface objects that
greatly extend the possibilities.
Or if you like C programming, the source code is available for download,
giving you the chance to have some real fun. :-) (this is my favorite)
Or you can write a utility that outputs an appropriate triangle mesh of
your object.
Or...________________ (empty space waiting for good ideas)
Lance Birch wrote:
> Or if you mean a totally different object type... like for example a helical
> spiral, you can write macros to automate the process.
> >Stewart #7 wrote:
> >
> >> Well... it looks like most any object could be rendered, using
> >> the available object types... but just in case (!) - how can a new
> >> object type be written ? ...is this possible without re-writing
> >> the entire program ?
> >>
> >> povray is excellent...and glad to see your newsgroup is accessible.
> >>
> >> stu
> >
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Is there a way to use POV's features without going fully 3D ?
I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
labels or menu boxes.
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Stewart #7 <stu### [at] alien ufo net> wrote:
: I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
: include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
: labels or menu boxes.
Perhaps you are talking about polygons?
Putting polygons on the x-y-plane and using an ortographic camera in the
-z axis looking at the origin should get a completely 2D-look.
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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Either that or 'image_map {tga "file.tga" map_type 0}'.
However, as Nieminen said, a 'orthographic' camera can rid any scene of a perspective
Nieminen Mika wrote:
> Stewart #7 <stu### [at] alien ufo net> wrote:
> : I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
> : include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
> : labels or menu boxes.
> Perhaps you are talking about polygons?
> Putting polygons on the x-y-plane and using an ortographic camera in the
> -z axis looking at the origin should get a completely 2D-look.
> --
> main(i,_){for(_?--i,main(i+2,"FhhQHFIJD|FQTITFN]zRFHhhTBFHhhTBFysdB"[i]
> ):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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Stewart #7 wrote:
> Is there a way to use POV's features without going fully 3D ?
> I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
> include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
> labels or menu boxes.
A little work with the scale function will flatten almost any object
you can make into a near 2d object. A box can even be specified as
a 2d object if your interested.
box {<-1,-1,0>,<1,1,0>}
A cone can be scale near flat like so
cone{<0,0,0>,1,<0,1,0>,0 scale <1,1,.001>}
Other objects can be specified in a similar fashion to achieve
your "2D" objects.
I am not saying that using the scale function is the perfect solution
but it does come close enough for the kind of work I do :)
Ken Tyler
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Be careful of odd effects when scaling things very small or large or possibly even
too. This last thing I have yet to see any problems with but you just never know, so I
thought I would mention this here.
Ken wrote:
> Stewart #7 wrote:
> >
> > Is there a way to use POV's features without going fully 3D ?
> >
> > I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
> > include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
> > labels or menu boxes.
> A little work with the scale function will flatten almost any object
> you can make into a near 2d object. A box can even be specified as
> a 2d object if your interested.
> box {<-1,-1,0>,<1,1,0>}
> A cone can be scale near flat like so
> cone{<0,0,0>,1,<0,1,0>,0 scale <1,1,.001>}
> Other objects can be specified in a similar fashion to achieve
> your "2D" objects.
> I am not saying that using the scale function is the perfect solution
> but it does come close enough for the kind of work I do :)
> --
> Ken Tyler
> mailto://tylereng@pacbell.net
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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Bob wrote:
> Be careful of odd effects when scaling things very small or large or possibly
> even thin too. This last thing I have yet to see any problems with but you
> just never know, so I thought I would mention this here.
The same potential problems can be also be used for some interesting
special effects. I once used a mesh of a woman and gave it totaly
unrealistic porportions using the scale function. The distortion caused
by this was a very comical image when done. Someday I am going to make
a postable image exploiting this seldom used technique and you'll see
how magnificint it can be.
Ken Tyler
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