Hi there,
I've been playing around with POV off-and-on for a couple of years, now, and
have decided to do my first major animation. I've looked around for the libs
I need, and had a few questions for the advanced users out there.
1) Are there any character animation libs out there for Mac or
cross-platform? If not, what does everyone recomend for this: IK, or
"keyframes" based upon arrays holding the positions of parts?
2) I've noticed there are several animation libs that are include-file
based. I've not used any of them, and was wondering what everyone's opinion
was on the best on to use for a complex animation (cartoonish).
3) Are there any "creature" libraries along the vein of BlobMan that could
be used to create fairly realistic looking humanoids? I cannot use BlobMan
because his liscense does not allow for modification and/or use in
commercial projects, if I read correctly.
Thanks in advance for everyone's help.
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