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Could someone briefly explain to me the format of the file saved in the
radiosity save_file directive.
This is what I know (or can reasonably guess): each line starts out with
C1, then the X,Y,Z coordinates, a hex number, color values (I assume?) a
couple extra floats, and another hex value.
Things! Billions of them!
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Mike Raiford wrote:
> Could someone briefly explain to me the format of the file saved in the
> radiosity save_file directive.
These files contain a text representation of the radiosity data tree
generated by POV-Ray. Direction vectors are stored in a special
compressed form. For the details you should have a look at the POV-Ray
source code but for understanding most parts of it you need some deeper
understanding of the inner workings of the radiosity feature.
Don't expect the format not to change in future versions of POV-Ray.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.imagico.de/ (Last updated 07 Oct. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Mike Raiford wrote:
>> Could someone briefly explain to me the format of the file saved in
>> the radiosity save_file directive.
> These files contain a text representation of the radiosity data tree
> generated by POV-Ray. Direction vectors are stored in a special
> compressed form. For the details you should have a look at the POV-Ray
> source code but for understanding most parts of it you need some deeper
> understanding of the inner workings of the radiosity feature.
Thanks, that satisfied my curiosity, and I think I understand the format
of the file a bit more, now. As I suspected, the compressed information
exists in the hex numbers (normal and direction to source). The 2 values
I didn't understand are distance values.
> Don't expect the format not to change in future versions of POV-Ray.
Understood :) I don't intend on releasing tools to deal with this file,
but manly for my own personal meddling...
> Christoph
Things! Billions of them!
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