I've been working on a macro that takes a two dimensional array of floats
and constructs a bicubic patchwork smooth surface from them. I would very
much like to have others look it over for bugs or useability problems.
Here's the link: http://will.thornhenge.net/bigpatch/. The download is a
small zip file (under 10 k). There is also a little more info about the
BigPatch macro on the web site.
Will Woodhull
Thornhenge, SW Oregon, USA
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"Will W" <wil### [at] NOSPAMwizzards net> wrote in news:3e83fb9a@news.povray.org:
> I've been working on a macro that takes a two dimensional array of floats
> and constructs a bicubic patchwork smooth surface from them. I would very
> much like to have others look it over for bugs or useability problems.
> Here's the link: http://will.thornhenge.net/bigpatch/. The download is a
> small zip file (under 10 k). There is also a little more info about the
> BigPatch macro on the web site.
I just had a very brief look at your bigPatch macro.
And I wonder if you forgot some parenthesis in these two
#local dX = toPt.x-fromPt.x/Cols;
#local dZ = toPt.z-fromPt.z/Rows;
I suspect that it should be like this:
#local dX = (toPt.x - fromPt.x)/Cols;
#local dZ = (toPt.z - fromPt.z)/Rows;
Note that the link you gave in the readme.txt file does
not work:
If you are interested in getting an impression of how
(some) POV-people look at commercialized pov utilities,
then I recommend that you skim through this thread:
(It is quite long; 73 posts)
Tor Olav
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Thanks, Tor.
I apparently blew off those parens in the final stages of clean-up. I
sometimes do a lot of stupid things at that stage-- ususally I catch them
when the code fails my final tests. This time I was using a test object that
just happened to be a special case that worked in spite of this screw-up.
There's always something.
I've corrected a few other bugs yesterday and will be putting up the
corrected code in a couple of hours. There is a dog with soulful eyes
begging for his morning walk...
Also thank you very much for the link to the discussion on licensing. I
skimmed through enough of it before bedtime last night to know I need to
study it more thoroughly. I am awae that it is not going to be easy to word
the TOS I want. I do want people to feel free to use this work in any
non-commercial way, and feel free to modify or extend it as well. But I want
to preserve my legal options if I find some company with $40 billion in
pocket change is ripping off my work-- that means a license written in such
a way that I could sell my rights to someone who got off on lawyer fights.
Of course I could just do the whole think as a .exe that could be called
from a .pov file, but that also is a disservice to the POV community in a
couple of ways. For one, there are a lot of neat ways my basic macro could
be extended by others, if it is supplied in the POV SDL. I really don't want
to lock it up.
One of the things I'm considering is accepting extensions or variants of the
macro as a form of payment. I'm not afraid of using my website as a library
for such things.
Thanks for pointing out the bad link, too.
More to come.
Will Woodhull
Thornhenge, SW Oregon, USA
"Tor Olav Kristensen" <tor_olav_kCURLYAhotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] 204 213 191 226...
> "Will W" <wil### [at] NOSPAMwizzards net> wrote in
> > I've been working on a macro that takes a two dimensional array of
> I just had a very brief look at your bigPatch macro.
> And I wonder if you forgot some parenthesis in these two
> statements:
> #local dX = toPt.x-fromPt.x/Cols;
> #local dZ = toPt.z-fromPt.z/Rows;
> Tor Olav
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