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As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm writing a visual material editor that
makes use of the pov3.5 syntax. It occured to me to ask if anyone had any
suggestions on what should be included. Functionally it looks like the
Moray material editor with exceptions here and there including the addition
of 3.5 features. Most of the basiccs are taken care of but now would be a
good time to check if anything needed to be added. Currently it's written
in visual basic since that's all I have handy at the time but I am looking
into a Java implementation for all those non Wintel people out there.
anyone have a wish list?
Chris J.
p.s. I don't need any snickers about VB. It may not be the best way but it
was quick and fast and got the job well under way. If I had VC, that might
have been a different story.
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in article 3d83b1bb@news.povray.org, Christopher Johnson at
age### [at] hotmail com wrote on 14/9/02 11:01 pm:
> As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm writing a visual material editor that
> makes use of the pov3.5 syntax. It occured to me to ask if anyone had any
> suggestions on what should be included. Functionally it looks like the
> Moray material editor with exceptions here and there including the addition
> of 3.5 features. Most of the basiccs are taken care of but now would be a
> good time to check if anything needed to be added. Currently it's written
> in visual basic since that's all I have handy at the time but I am looking
> into a Java implementation for all those non Wintel people out there.
That would be cool. But I think I have seen a povray materials editor
written in java somewhere. I don't recall where I have seen as it was quite
a while.
Has anyone seen it?
All the best
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Well, my only and biggest wish is for you to finish it as soon as possible
Is there a beta version I can download somewhere to try it out?
Best regards
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It's not quite ready yet. Can't really speculate on when I'd post it since
it depends on how much free time I have.
"JPGargoyle" <jot### [at] netcabo pt> wrote in message
> Well, my only and biggest wish is for you to finish it as soon as possible
> :))
> Is there a beta version I can download somewhere to try it out?
> Best regards
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On Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:01:34 -0400, "Christopher Johnson"
<age### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> anyone have a wish list?
Configurable preview scene. You can specify list of declarations your editor
can output for test scene like: Test_Texture, Test_Finish, Test_Interior etc.
Your editor can save test.inc file with all settings for preview. So Preview
scene have only to include this "test.inc" file and to be rendered. Was this
understable description ?
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Yes, I understand what your looking for and yes, I was planning on adding a
feature like that. Happens to be the next thing that needs work.
"ABX" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:01:34 -0400, "Christopher Johnson"
> <age### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> > anyone have a wish list?
> Configurable preview scene. You can specify list of declarations your
> can output for test scene like: Test_Texture, Test_Finish, Test_Interior
> Your editor can save test.inc file with all settings for preview. So
> scene have only to include this "test.inc" file and to be rendered. Was
> understable description ?
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> anyone have a wish list?
Make sure you can output in a variety of ways, including different tabbing
styles and bracket locations =)
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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