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Please see my swim cycle animation posted to p.b.a on 7/21/02.
Note the rotation of the wrists.
My forearms are transformed via:
#declare rforearmtrans=transform{Oritransform(rwristpt-relbowpt,-y) rotate
<0,rwristang.y,0> Oritransform(-y,rtempwristpt-rtempelbowpt) translate
#declare lforearmtrans=transform{Oritransform(lwristpt-lelbowpt,-y) rotate
<0,lwristang.y,0> Oritransform(-y,ltempwristpt-ltempelbowpt) translate
For weeks I've tried to figure out what the bug is. But I'm wondering if
this rotation is "built-in" to the orientation.
The wristpt and elbowpt are constants based on measurements I made on a
The wristang is a constant vector (but i get the same results even when I
comment this out).
The tempelbowpt is calculated using FindKnee of Rune and/or JvS and an elbow
orientation vector that is constant.
The tempwristpt is a user-defined function of the clock.
The Oritransform is by JvS.
In other words, I:
i) rotate from a position based on a skeleton (drawing in 3 dimensions) to
ii) rotate the wrists about the y axis,
iii) then reorient to a new position based on the FindKnee's new elbow point
and user-defined position for the wrist
iv) translate to new elbow point.
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I'm not sure exactly which of John's macros you use.
If you use John's Axis_Rotate_Trans() macro, then please
note that it seems to fail with these input vectors:
<1, -1, 1> and <-1, 1, -1>
- and all vectors parallel to them.
I suggest that you use the transformation macros in the
"transforms.inc" file that comes with POV-Ray v3.5 instead.
(I.e. Axis_Rotate_Trans(), Reorient_Trans() etc.)
The thread "Bug in Knee macro?" may also be useful reading:
(In povray.advaced-users 4. Feb. 2001 by Rune)
I have not looked much at your code below. But if the above
information does not help, then I suspect that you need to
show more of your code.
Tor Olav
"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> Please see my swim cycle animation posted to p.b.a on 7/21/02.
> Note the rotation of the wrists.
> My forearms are transformed via:
> #declare rforearmtrans=transform{Oritransform(rwristpt-relbowpt,-y) rotate
> <0,rwristang.y,0> Oritransform(-y,rtempwristpt-rtempelbowpt) translate
> rtempelbowpt}
> #declare lforearmtrans=transform{Oritransform(lwristpt-lelbowpt,-y) rotate
> <0,lwristang.y,0> Oritransform(-y,ltempwristpt-ltempelbowpt) translate
> ltempelbowpt}
> For weeks I've tried to figure out what the bug is. But I'm wondering if
> this rotation is "built-in" to the orientation.
> The wristpt and elbowpt are constants based on measurements I made on a
> skeleton.
> The wristang is a constant vector (but i get the same results even when I
> comment this out).
> The tempelbowpt is calculated using FindKnee of Rune and/or JvS and an elbow
> orientation vector that is constant.
> The tempwristpt is a user-defined function of the clock.
> The Oritransform is by JvS.
> In other words, I:
> i) rotate from a position based on a skeleton (drawing in 3 dimensions) to
> downward,
> ii) rotate the wrists about the y axis,
> iii) then reorient to a new position based on the FindKnee's new elbow point
> and user-defined position for the wrist
> iv) translate to new elbow point.
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Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> Greg,
> I'm not sure exactly which of John's macros you use.
> If you use John's Axis_Rotate_Trans() macro
John named his macro "AxisRotate()" not "Axis_Rotate_Trans()".
Sorry about that.
Tor Olav
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: rotations inherent in reorientation?
Date: 26 Jul 2002 21:47:24
Message: <3d41fbac@news.povray.org>
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This *cough* question about vector algebra *cough* comes from experience
with mega 0.7.
Thanks for the update. I'm now using that one. But it didn't help.
The code is very complex and so for the moment I guess I'll keep scratching
my head.
But from the simple vector calculus, there's no inherent rotation, right?
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"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> This *cough* question about vector algebra *cough* comes from experience
> with mega 0.7.
> Thanks for the update. I'm now using that one. But it didn't help.
> The code is very complex and so for the moment I guess I'll keep scratching
> my head.
> But from the simple vector calculus, there's no inherent rotation, right?
I do not understand your question Greg.
Did you try something like this ?
#version 3.5;
#include "transforms.inc"
#declare pRightWrist =
#declare pRightElbow =
#declare pTempRightElbow =
#declare RightWristAngle =
#declare vRightForearm = pRightWrist - pRightElbow;
#declare RightForearmTransform =
transform {
Axis_Rotate_Trans(vRightForearm, RightWristAngle.y)
translate pTempRightElbow
Tor Olav
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