_Light_Beam_ wrote:
> Can somobody know how to duplicate a number of 'n'
> objects along a path (spline) ? And also made a mesh
> object that follow it... (like a road) !?
I presume you are using POV-Ray 3.5.
You might find inspiration in this scene file included with POV-Ray 3.5:
It doesn't show how to make a mesh object follow a spline, but you might
get enough clues to figure something out... :)
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Apr 14)
POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Ring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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Actually what I want to do make a realistic "tube" follow a spline.
#macro PointSpline(spl,dst,ps)
#local st = spl(dst);
#local dr = vnormalize(spl(dst+1e-4)-spl(dst-1e-4));
//#debug concat("Calculating <",vstr(3,dr,",",0,4),">.\n")
#local theta = degrees(atan2(dr.x,dr.z));
#local phi = degrees(asin(dr.y));
#local Pt0 = st+vrotate(ps,<phi,theta,0>);
// point function
#macro pnt(i, j, p, q, spl)
#local mrad = rad1*j+rad0*(vMax-j);
#local irad = 0.85 + 0.10*sin(i*5) + (p-.5)*.05;
#local pt0 = <cos(i),sin(i),0>*mrad*irad;
I tried many different tactics and cannot yet get a tube without a serious
"twizzle stick" issue.
"Rune" <run### [at] mobilixnet dk> wrote in message
> _Light_Beam_ wrote:
> > Can somobody know how to duplicate a number of 'n'
> > objects along a path (spline) ? And also made a mesh
> > object that follow it... (like a road) !?
> I presume you are using POV-Ray 3.5.
> You might find inspiration in this scene file included with POV-Ray 3.5:
> scenes\animations\splinefollow\splinefollow.pov
> It doesn't show how to make a mesh object follow a spline, but you might
> get enough clues to figure something out... :)
> Rune
> --
> 3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
> Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Apr 14)
> POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
> POV-Ray Ring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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Sphere_sweep is ok for simple tubes (radius depends on u but not v). Then
there are times when you want complex results like pigment displacement
mapping on a tube. I can pull that off with my macro-based surface if the
twizzles don't hit too hard.
> On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:26:52 -0400, "David Wallace"
<dar### [at] earthlink net>
> wrote:
> > Actually what I want to do make a realistic "tube" follow a spline.
> Have you tride sphere_sweep ?
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