in news:3b06441f@news.povray.org Alf Peake wrote:
> I've
> tried adding a random component to diffuse and ambient, and also a
> second texture layer. They both work but is there a better or easier
> way?
Easiest I to me is adding a second layer, but not on top of the wood
but as a base. It's the way we print wood-designs in our factory.
Start with a base colour, on top of that the wood pattern, in one or
more layers, with some transparency. Now all you have to do is vary the
colour of the base to get a differnt wood.
Makes me think, it could be made closer to the printing method. Make a
wood design in several layers. Eatch layer only uses gray-scale. Colour
is given to a layer by a multiplication factor. All that would be
needed to make another colour-way is changing the colour of the factor.
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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"ingo" <ing### [at] home nl> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] povray org...
> in news:3b06441f@news.povray.org Alf Peake wrote:
> > I've
> > tried adding a random component to diffuse and ambient, and also a
> > second texture layer. They both work but is there a better or
> > way?
> >
> Easiest I to me is adding a second layer, but not on top of the
> but as a base. It's the way we print wood-designs in our factory.
I hadn't thought about a base layer. Much simpler than what I've tried
so far. Thanks, I'll have a play with that.
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"John VanSickle" <van### [at] erols com> wrote in message
> Alf Peake wrote:
> >
> > A wood floor. All the planks use the same declared colour map. How
> > I vary the apparent colour of each plank - lighter or darker?
> Declare a different colour map for each plank. Use the rand()
> to slightly vary the colors.
Yes, nice and simple, I had thought about it, but as the map had
around 100 entries I thought it was probably overkill. I used Qbasic
to generate the map so there would be no problem making variations on
a theme. Thanks for the input.
I'll try Ingo's suggestion first.
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Alf Peake wrote in message <3b06441f@news.povray.org>...
> A wood floor. All the planks use the same declared colour map. How do
> I vary the apparent colour of each plank - lighter or darker? I've
> tried adding a random component to diffuse and ambient, and also a
> second texture layer. They both work but is there a better or easier
> way?
If you are using megapov you can try my method for real random planks. Just look
at my old message (image was sended to p.b.i)
From: "Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba" <abx### [at] abx art pl>
Newsgroups: povray.text.tutorials
Subject: no-repeat in mosaic
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:52:51 +0100
Message-ID: <3ab9cc26@news.povray.org>
it uses noise3d to distribute planks
#macro Sig(A,B,X)_(A,B)_(B,X)_(X,A)#end#macro _(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>,<B.u,
B.v,3>.1,9}#end global_settings{max_trace_level 9}light_source{0 1}camera{up y
)pigment{rgb 1}}box{-3 3pigment{rgb 0}finish{reflection 1}hollow} // POV-Ray31
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