POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : uv mapping of bicubic_patch Server Time
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  uv mapping of bicubic_patch (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Gena
Subject: uv mapping of bicubic_patch
Date: 21 Jul 2003 13:49:49
Message: <3F1C27B9.1030700@mail.com>
bicubic_patch supports UV mapping. Is there any
way to apply that mapping to the whole object
which consists of many bicubic_patches? For
example to apply UV mapping to the model created
in sPatch. Is there any program, utility which
can do that task?


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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: uv mapping of bicubic_patch
Date: 21 Jul 2003 16:45:02
Message: <web.3f1c4ff7f56b926ea0c272b50@news.povray.org>
Look for a utility called "UVMapper". It can't map spatch directly though,
you have to convert to .obj.

Sorry, at work, don't have my links handy...


Gena wrote:
>bicubic_patch supports UV mapping. Is there any
>way to apply that mapping to the whole object
>which consists of many bicubic_patches? For
>example to apply UV mapping to the model created
>in sPatch. Is there any program, utility which
>can do that task?

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From: mcavoys
Subject: Re: uv mapping of bicubic_patch
Date: 22 Jul 2003 04:04:07
Message: <3f1cefee.38930989@news.povray.org>
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 16:41:27 EDT, "gonzo" <rgo### [at] lansetcom> wrote:

>Look for a utility called "UVMapper". It can't map spatch directly though,
>you have to convert to .obj.
>Sorry, at work, don't have my links handy...


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