I've devellopped a little povray script that traces the surface of a
given object. It outputs the result as XYZ coordinates of points along
the surface of the object.
I can then read that file and draw an OpenGL scene with that object
in it...
Here's how i proceded:
I scan the object from x=-1 to x=1 and from z=1 to z=-1 at a given
At each XZ point I trace from y=1 to y=-1 to find a surface of the
object and record every hit I get, when I get a surface hit, I trace
again starting from that exact vector down to y=-1.
Currently, I simply ignore a point with vector value of <0,0,0>.
My problem is that the scan I get is kind of scaled oddly...
You must see pictures sent on povray.binary.images to fully understand
what I'm trying to say...
Thanks for any info!
Dedicated to audio/visual and interactive artwork.
Author of The Primary Colors of CSound:
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