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Finally I've finished beta version of POV-Tree. This is
tree generator based on TOMTREE macro and written
in Java. Key features:
- load/save include files for TOMTREE macro
- GUI for numerous TOMTREE parameters
- color chooser for leaves and bark
- preview (not so fast for very detailed trees)
- mesh export
See screenshort and some examples in p.b.i
You can download POV-Tree here:
See README.txt for installation info.
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On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 07:33:02 -0800, Gena Obukhov <obu### [at] mail com> wrote:
> Finally I've finished beta version of POV-Tree.
Looks like you have made a very good job. Only two really minor suggestions:
- personally I like when the applications written in Java have "J" letter
somewhere in the name (but that's my own not so much important taste)
- is your application only targeted to advanced users ? why not to announce it
in general group ?
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> Looks like you have made a very good job. Only two really minor suggestions:
> - personally I like when the applications written in Java have "J" letter
> somewhere in the name (but that's my own not so much important taste)
IMHO JPOV-Tree is not so good :)
> - is your application only targeted to advanced users ? why not to announce it
> in general group ?
You are right. Done.
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Very cool.
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I took a quick look at this and was VERY impressed! I've tried to use the
tomtree macro, but because it would take (sometimes) hours to get a new
render based on any changes, I found myself only using the examples. This
is a GREAT way to get around that, and view changes very quickly, even
though it's not a full render.
For those who enjoy creating outdoor scenes, this is fantastic!
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Does it support UDO output? If not, this would be a killer feature.
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Karl Pelzer wrote:
> Does it support UDO output? If not, this would be a killer feature.
Why do you need it in POV-Tree?
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Gena Obukhov schrieb:
> Why do you need it in POV-Tree?
> Gena.
...just to import these brilliant trees into Moray. Or did I miss
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Very detailed tree can take a lot of memory after loading it to
Moray. I think you won't be able effectively manipulate by
such tree in Moray. I don't know details of Moray (never used it)
but if it doesn't use OpenGL any transformation will need a lot
of time.
It's very easy to add trees from POV-Tree to your scene because
it "grows" from <0, 0, 0> and occupies 1 unit box.
Anyway I don't plan to implement UDO export. If anybody is
interested in exporting files in different formats he/she can
add such functionality to POV-Tree when the source files
will be available (in a week or so).
Karl Pelzer wrote:
> Gena Obukhov schrieb:
> > Why do you need it in POV-Tree?
> >
> > Gena.
> >
> ...just to import these brilliant trees into Moray. Or did I miss
> something...??
> Karl
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Wasn't it Karl Pelzer who wrote:
>Gena Obukhov schrieb:
>> Why do you need it in POV-Tree?
>> Gena.
>...just to import these brilliant trees into Moray. Or did I miss
I'm not familiar with UDO or Moray, but I have written a little Perl
script that can convert the mesh files created by POV-Tree into OBJ
format, which can be used in a large number of modelling and rendering
systems. Does Moray read OBJ?
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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