Can somebody please tell me why the Turn is not working....
#declare Start=<0,0,20>
#declare End=<8,0,30>
#declare Dist=vlength(Start-End);
#declare Turn=vrotate(Start,End);
box {<-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,1> texture {pigment {checker color Black, color
White } }
scale <(Dist),1,1> translate<-Dist,0,0> rotate y*Turn translate
I am trying to place a box with ends centered and directly sitting on the
Start and End vectors...
As a result I cannot directly use the box corners for location purposes.
The use of 'Turn' is intended to rotate (orientate) the object prior to the
final translate.
Or is there an easier way to do this? Maybe a simple vector matrix approach.
David V-J
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You want to use one of John VanSickles Matrix transformations, it sounds like.
#macro Reorient(Axis1,Axis2)
#local vX1=vnormalize(Axis1);
#local vX2=vnormalize(Axis2);
#local vY=vnormalize(vcross(vX1,vX2));
#if (vlength(vY)>0)
#local vZ1=vnormalize(vcross(vX1,vY));
#local vZ2=vnormalize(vcross(vX2,vY));
matrix < vX1.x, vY.x,vZ1.x, vX1.y,vY.y,vZ1.y, vX1.z,vY.z, vZ1.z, 0,0,0 >
matrix < vX2.x,vX2.y,vX2.z, vY.x,vY.y, vY.z, vZ2.x,vZ2.y,vZ2.z, 0,0,0 >
David Vincent-Jones wrote:
> Can somebody please tell me why the Turn is not working....
> #declare Start=<0,0,20>
> #declare End=<8,0,30>
> #declare Dist=vlength(Start-End);
> #declare Turn=vrotate(Start,End);
> box {<-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,1> texture {pigment {checker color Black, color
> White } }
> scale <(Dist),1,1> translate<-Dist,0,0> rotate y*Turn translate
> End
> }
> I am trying to place a box with ends centered and directly sitting on the
> Start and End vectors...
> As a result I cannot directly use the box corners for location purposes.
> The use of 'Turn' is intended to rotate (orientate) the object prior to the
> final translate.
> Or is there an easier way to do this? Maybe a simple vector matrix approach.
> David V-J
Josh English -- Lexiphanic Lethomaniac
eng### [at] spiritone com
The POV-Ray Cyclopedia http://www.spiritone.com/~english/cyclopedia/
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