Could someone please help me? I need a macro, include file, whatever,
that takes one (1) point and draws a bunch of points, like in a string,
that have mass, velocity, and tensile strength. I'm trying to create a
bunch of antennas for a character I'm making, but can't seem to make
them move with the rest of him. I did find a resource for this kind of
I've been unable to make much sense of it, however. Arrays are Greek to
Oh, and the points need to be able to be called into a spline {}.
H.E. Day
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I do not know if i totally understood your problem, but I think you are
trying to do an animation of masses elastically linked and moved
according to the movement of a character.
Because I am not experienced in animations, some more concrete
descriptions, especially about how the charakter movement is given,
would be helpful. I am doing that mechanics stuff at university right
now and could possibly help you but it will get quite complicated if you
include bending of the strings.
"H.E. Day" wrote:
> Could someone please help me? I need a macro, include file, whatever,
> that takes one (1) point and draws a bunch of points, like in a string,
> that have mass, velocity, and tensile strength. I'm trying to create a
> bunch of antennas for a character I'm making, but can't seem to make
> them move with the rest of him. I did find a resource for this kind of
> thing:
> http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_string.htm
> I've been unable to make much sense of it, however. Arrays are Greek to
> me.
> Oh, and the points need to be able to be called into a spline {}.
> TIA.
> --
> H.E. Day
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
Homepage: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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