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Say I have a cylinder which goes from 0, to <0, h, 0> and I want to
transform it so that it runs from <a,b,c> to <x,y,z>. How do I go about
figuring out that transformation?
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"Darcy Johnston" <djo### [at] iname com NOSPAM> writes:
> Say I have a cylinder which goes from 0, to <0, h, 0> and I want to
> transform it so that it runs from <a,b,c> to <x,y,z>. How do I go about
> figuring out that transformation?
Perhaps you should have a look at my "segment" include file. It's not
exactly what you looking for, but close to it. You can find the zip
file at http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~willhalm/graphics/povaddon/
http://thomas.willhalm.de/ (includes pgp key)
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Hi Darcy,
Darcy Johnston wrote:
> Say I have a cylinder which goes from 0, to <0, h, 0> and I want to
> transform it so that it runs from <a,b,c> to <x,y,z>. How do I go about
> figuring out that transformation?
> Thanks,
> Darcy
Well, I wouldn't try to re-invent the wheel, so ...
Given S == vlength(<a,b,c>-<x,y,z>)
1) Scale your object by S/h or <1,S,1>/h depending whether you want to
keep the proportions consistent.
2) Apply one of the reorientation macros to the object. The two I can
remember are in John VanSickle's Thoroughly Useful Macros and Gilles
Tran's tree generator, either of which should do the trick.
Hope this helps,
Mike Andrews.
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):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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I had three orientation macros but I can only find two of them:
#macro Orient_X(v1,v2)
#local nx = vnormalize(v2 - v1);
#local nz = vnormalize(vcross(nx,y));
#local ny = vcross(nz,nx);
matrix <nx.x,nx.y,nx.z,
#macro Orient_Z(v1,v2)
#local nz = vnormalize(v2 - v1);
#local nx = vnormalize(vcross(nz,y));
#local ny = vcross(nz,nx);
matrix <nx.x,nx.y,nx.z,
I have no idea what happened to Orient_Y
I think if you use
#local ny = vnormalize(v2 - v1);
#local nz = vnormalize(vcross(x,nz));
#local nx = vcross(nz,ny);
it will work. Instead of x you can use any vector that you want to be "to
the right of" the object before it gets adjusted.
This is what I use.
Darcy Johnston wrote:
> Say I have a cylinder which goes from 0, to <0, h, 0> and I want to
> transform it so that it runs from <a,b,c> to <x,y,z>. How do I go about
> figuring out that transformation?
> Thanks,
> Darcy
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritone com
ICQ: 1946299
"Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen
asleep yet."
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Try VanSickle's macro http://users.erols.com/vansickl/matrix.htm or my own
Reposition macro which is at my homepage.
Homepage: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
___ ______________________________
| \ |_ <dav### [at] faricy net>
|_/avid |ontaine <ICQ 55354965>
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