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Hello. I believe I recall a message posted some time ago, but I can't seem
to find it, that deals with the problem I am about to describe. My problem
is that I have an atmospheric media (actually in a really big box) and
within that media, I have a media within a smaller container (a sphere). All
rendered nicely without radiosity, but now that there is radiosity I can see
the container sphere of the media within the media. What, if there is a fix,
can I do? TIA
PS: I've discovered this 16 hours into the rendering of my final YAHI...
please help me finish it!
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Why not use UVPov? I think the latest version has this problem fixed,
along with some other radiosity stuff.
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>Why not use UVPov? I think the latest version has this problem fixed,
>along with some other radiosity stuff.
So this is a bug? I didn't know that. Well, I guess I'll have to wait for
the SuperPatch to join with it to render. I was really hoping to put it out
soon. Oh, well. thank you.
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TonyB <ben### [at] panama phoenix net> wrote ...
> >Why not use UVPov? I think the latest version has this problem fixed,
> >along with some other radiosity stuff.
> So this is a bug? I didn't know that. Well, I guess I'll have to wait for
> the SuperPatch to join with it to render. I was really hoping to put it
> soon. Oh, well. thank you.
Depends on your definition of a bug. It's more of a limitation. POV-Ray
3.1 only computes radiosity a trace depth 1, so if a ray already passed
through an object (clear media container) or reflected off of a mirror, the
trace depth will be greater than one and no radiosity will be calculated.
UVPov alpha 6 removes this limitation.
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>UVPov alpha 6 removes this limitation.
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TonyB <ben### [at] panama phoenix net> wrote ...
> >UVPov alpha 6 removes this limitation.
> How?
What do you mean by "how?" ?
I changed the source so that this limitation no longer exists and
recompiled. :-) Now radiosity is computed even if the ray has passed
through a clear object or bounced off of a mirror. A more complicated
explanation is reserved for povray.programming if you ask there.
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Nathan Kopp <Nat### [at] kopp com> wrote:
: Now radiosity is computed even if the ray has passed
: through a clear object or bounced off of a mirror.
Unless the mirror has a high filter value... ;)
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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