I'm trying to render a glass object (specifically, an oil lamp), and it
seems that whenever the ray intersects more than two panes of glass, it
becomes opaque. (You can try this -- just set up a simple scene with the
camera pointing straight forward. Make two thin, overlapping panes of
glass and render it. Then try adding a third, and it appears opaque.) Is
this some kind of internal limit? I need a fix or a workaround to finish
my scene.
I was using
texture { T_Glass3 } interior { I_Glass }
on my object.
Also, it doesn't go away if I use a different glass texture or take away
the interior statement.
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Larry Fontaine wrote:
> I'm trying to render a glass object (specifically, an oil lamp), and it
> seems that whenever the ray intersects more than two panes of glass, it
> becomes opaque. (You can try this -- just set up a simple scene with the
> camera pointing straight forward. Make two thin, overlapping panes of
> glass and render it. Then try adding a third, and it appears opaque.) Is
> this some kind of internal limit? I need a fix or a workaround to finish
> my scene.
> I was using
> texture { T_Glass3 } interior { I_Glass }
> on my object.
> Also, it doesn't go away if I use a different glass texture or take away
> the interior statement.
Read up on and the use a max_trace_level in your global settings statement.
To start with I would recommend:
global_settings { max_trace_level 10 }
You could also try to remove any interior surface by combining them into
a merge statment. This way you end up with a shell of the different surfaces
but their interior surfaces will be removed.
Ken Tyler
See my 700+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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