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how do i make a gradient away from the canter of an axis like the
atmosphere on a planet or a chunk of amber that gets dark in the middle?
gradient will not work as far as i know
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Use a spherical pattern type. That and others, like cylinder and box have
been added in version 3.1.
Nobot wrote:
> how do i make a gradient away from the canter of an axis like the
> atmosphere on a planet or a chunk of amber that gets dark in the middle?
> gradient will not work as far as i know
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For the amber style of density based translucency you'll need to use media.
For the latest 3D Studio MAX plug-ins, images and much more, go to:
The Zone - http://come.to/the.zone
For a totally different experience, visit my Chroma Key Website:
Colorblind - http://listen.to/colorblind
Nobot wrote in message <3758B75A.69799EE5@powersurfr.com>...
>how do i make a gradient away from the canter of an axis like the
>atmosphere on a planet or a chunk of amber that gets dark in the middle?
>gradient will not work as far as i know
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Hey! How are you doing? Long time no see. Gotten Max 3 yet?
PS: Just to update you. I got a 400MHz Pentium II and 128 MB of RAM. Rendering
is much nicer now. =)
Anthony L. Bennett
Graphics rendered
by the Dreamachine.
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Hi, I've been away a lot lately... had so much to do and think about (lotza
personal stuff goin on).
But I'm back now :)
Great to hear about the upgrades, sounds nice! I haven't gotten MAX 3 yet,
as far as I know it won't be in Australia until next month... :(
hehe, but rest assured I'll be gettin it when it arrives!!! :)
For the latest 3D Studio MAX plug-ins, images and much more, go to:
The Zone - http://come.to/the.zone
For a totally different experience, visit my Chroma Key Website:
Colorblind - http://listen.to/colorblind
TonyB wrote in message <37591B95.57DCAC0F@panama.phoenix.net>...
>Hey! How are you doing? Long time no see. Gotten Max 3 yet?
>PS: Just to update you. I got a 400MHz Pentium II and 128 MB of RAM.
>is much nicer now. =)
>Anthony L. Bennett
>Graphics rendered
>by the Dreamachine.
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Depending on what you're using this for, you'll probably need to either put
fade_distance and fade_power in your object's interior, or use media.
Nobot wrote:
> how do i make a gradient away from the canter of an axis like the
> atmosphere on a planet or a chunk of amber that gets dark in the middle?
> gradient will not work as far as i know
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*sniff* a dramatic reunification....
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You could say that... (and you did)
Don't worry everyone, I'm back and will not be leaving for a long time
now!!! (that's not a threat, it's a promise)
Unless more crises arise I will be postin and readin forever!!! :)
For the latest 3D Studio MAX plug-ins, images and much more, go to:
The Zone - http://come.to/the.zone
For a totally different experience, visit my Chroma Key Website:
Colorblind - http://listen.to/colorblind
Lewis wrote in message <375A1AB5.5CED07FA@netvision.net.il>...
>*sniff* a dramatic reunification....
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> Unless more crises arise I will be postin and readin forever!!! :)
We better find a crisis and FAST...
just kidding..
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Lance. ;-)
Lewis wrote in message <375ADB84.EF3250CE@netvision.net.il>...
>> Unless more crises arise I will be postin and readin forever!!! :)
>We better find a crisis and FAST...
>just kidding..
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