Erhard Ducke wrote:
> Hi!
> Can anyone give me a hint how to image_map very high resolution pictures on
> a sphere?
> The (earth) sphere is basically rendered with a ~8kx4k pixel projected on
> it but there are special regions of interest that should use parts of a
> 40kx20k file.
> So NOT the whole giant bitmap is used but only a fragment that should be
> patched over the lo-res bitmap.
You can either use a spherical warp or code the spherical mapping
yourself with a function pigment.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 25 Oct. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Fabien Mosen wrote:
> Erhard Ducke wrote:
>> So NOT the whole giant bitmap is used but only a fragment that should be
>> patched over the lo-res bitmap.
> I did a macro some time ago which does that... I'll try to find it, but
> it must be buried in the disorganized mess of my hard drive...
Well, no SO disorganized, I found it ! Here's a complete sample scene
with the relevant #macro :
usage : with some software, determine, in percent starting from upper
left, which are the limits of the frame you want from the image.
Then, use the macro like this :
(in place of a sphere's pigment definition)
PartialSphereMap (
sphere radius,
"image name",
PL, //first line
DL, //last line
PC, //first column
DC //last column
It isn't *exactly* what you need (since it loads all
the image), but the basis is the same.
#include "colors.inc"
camera {location <50,50,50> look_at 0 angle 50}
#local SphereRadius = 20;
#macro PartialSphereMap (SRadius,NomImage,PL,DL,PC,DC)
pigment {image_map {jpeg NomImage once} scale <DC-PC,DL-PL,1>
translate <PC,PL,0>
warp {
spherical orientation z dist_exp 0.1
scale SRadius
sphere {
PartialSphereMap (SphereRadius,"myimage.jpg",0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9)
light_source {<200,300,400> White*2}
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