POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Modernize Moray Server Time
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  Modernize Moray (Message 15 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Diesel1
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 1 Feb 2019 18:05:00
Message: <web.5c54d038c65f70199749e5160@news.povray.org>
Gregor Szaktilla <spa### [at] ktillade> wrote:
> Gregor Szaktilla schrieb:
> > Diesel1 schrieb:
> >> Have you thought of exporting the .pov file from Moray and rendering it in
> >> GNU/Linux rather than in WINE?
> > Sure. But it would be much more comfortable to be able to render in WINE
> > - especially when creating materials.
> Update: Browsing the POV webite I found the old V 3.5 which works as
> expected.
> Regards,
> Gregor

I am interested in your wine setup, please can you give some information?

Thanks in advance,

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From: Gregor Szaktilla
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 1 Feb 2019 22:18:23
Message: <5c550bff$1@news.povray.org>
Diesel1 schrieb:
> Gregor Szaktilla <spa### [at] ktillade> wrote:
>> Gregor Szaktilla schrieb:
>>> Diesel1 schrieb:
>>>> Have you thought of exporting the .pov file from Moray and rendering it in
>>>> GNU/Linux rather than in WINE?
>>> Sure. But it would be much more comfortable to be able to render in WINE
>>> - especially when creating materials.
>> Update: Browsing the POV webite I found the old V 3.5 which works as
>> expected.
> I am interested in your wine setup, please can you give some information?

It's a plain and simple Slackware based setup.

I downloaded and built wine from source (https://www.winehq.org/).

Then I downloaded Moray 3.5 (http://www.stmuc.com/moray/) and POV 3.5

> gszaktilla@mimi:~>wine --version
> wine-3.0.4

The only thing (that I don't really miss) is that only one core of my i5
is used. Compared to what I have been working on before (k6-2@233 MHz in
the mid 90's) it's quite fast. I think you could imagine I'm having a
lot of fun these days :-)



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From: Diesel1
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 6 Feb 2019 16:10:00
Message: <web.5c5b4c3fc65f70199749e5160@news.povray.org>
Gregor Szaktilla <spa### [at] ktillade> wrote:
> > I am interested in your wine setup, please can you give some information?
> It's a plain and simple Slackware based setup.
> I downloaded and built wine from source (https://www.winehq.org/).
> Then I downloaded Moray 3.5 (http://www.stmuc.com/moray/) and POV 3.5
> (http://www.povray.org/ftp/pub/povray/Old-Versions/Official-3.5/)
> > gszaktilla@mimi:~>wine --version
> > wine-3.0.4
> The only thing (that I don't really miss) is that only one core of my i5
> is used. Compared to what I have been working on before (k6-2@233 MHz in
> the mid 90's) it's quite fast. I think you could imagine I'm having a
> lot of fun these days :-)

Thank you Gregor, that is interesting. I too remember my K6 with fondness! I
spent many late nights sat, in the dark, on my PC using Moray to design POV-Ray

I am in the process of setting it up now.


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From: qnord
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 10 Feb 2019 07:10:00
Message: <web.5c601462c65f70192a1067170@news.povray.org>
"simbad" <Han### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am interested in some sort of modeller for povray as well. Sad to say that I
> have only very limited time to help on coding. But who knows if the source gets
> available I may look at it :)
> Anyway I use linux for rendering, having some sort of modeller run in wine would
> be a good thing.

That would be very interesting. The only modellers I've used in the past were
Lightwave 4.0 and Blender, and I found it quite difficult to get used to the
environments there. MoRay is unique though, I feel. I haven't been able to find
anything like that. Why not make it native for Linux too? (or at least I myself
would be interested in providing some kind of port...)


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From: dasilvor
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 28 Jun 2019 19:35:01
Message: <web.5d16a2ecc65f701916b8f2780@news.povray.org>
"Lutz" <lut### [at] stmuccom> wrote:
> > My question is WHEN! is anybody going to do anything about it?
> > There seems to be a lack of interest generally. This has been going on for
> > years. Povray needs a good 3D modeller. Moray was that modeller.
> > Why does someone simply ask the author. Lutz, what code is 3rd party.
> Initially, there was an interface library called BCGWin (I think), but that has
> been removed for the most part. I don't think there are any other 3rd party
> libraries that we used (it's been years I checked).
> I believe the biggest missing chunk at the moment is integration with POV-Ray
> 3.7 and beyond.
> I still use Moray quite regularly for 3D printing parts design (I wrote an STL
> import/export plugin) and have solved some of the other issues it had on Win 10
> (mainly OpenGL glitching).
> I think we will see some effort on this front shortly, I've indicated to Chris
> that I'm willing to help with getting a updated version done.
> - Lutz

Is the STL plugin available and how have you solved the win 10 glitching,


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From: snoops
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 11 Sep 2019 17:30:10
Message: <web.5d796726c65f70196f7a352d0@news.povray.org>
"Lutz" <lut### [at] stmuccom> wrote:

> I still use Moray quite regularly for 3D printing parts design (I wrote an STL
> import/export plugin) and have solved some of the other issues it had on Win 10
> (mainly OpenGL glitching).
> I think we will see some effort on this front shortly, I've indicated to Chris
> that I'm willing to help with getting a updated version done.
> - Lutz

I would also LOVE to have this STL plugin.

I have tried getting my head around other 3d modelling software, but they're
just not Moray ;p

I am successfully running Moray 3.5 with wine-3.0 on ubuntu-mate 18.04

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From: sparthir
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 24 Apr 2020 07:55:00
Message: <web.5ea2d329c65f701947e5cef50@news.povray.org>
"qnord" <qno### [at] r3000anet> wrote:
> "simbad" <Han### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i am interested in some sort of modeller for povray as well. Sad to say that I
> > have only very limited time to help on coding. But who knows if the source gets
> > available I may look at it :)
> >
> > Anyway I use linux for rendering, having some sort of modeller run in wine would
> > be a good thing.
> That would be very interesting. The only modellers I've used in the past were
> Lightwave 4.0 and Blender, and I found it quite difficult to get used to the
> environments there. MoRay is unique though, I feel. I haven't been able to find
> anything like that. Why not make it native for Linux too? (or at least I myself
> would be interested in providing some kind of port...)
> qnord

I agree that Moray made so much more sense.

I am still hanging out for it to be released opensource so we can hack on it to
get it up to date.  Even if it no longer was primarily for POVRay but rather
putting out STL files for 3D Printing that would be awesome.

I mean imagine raytracing your 3D object before you print it even!

I feel like since POVRay doesn't have a top quality modeller in line with it's
raytracer it has really hurt the project.  Shame because I love them both.

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From: sparthir
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 24 Apr 2020 07:55:01
Message: <web.5ea2d384c65f701947e5cef50@news.povray.org>
"Lutz" <lut### [at] stmuccom> wrote:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> > Lutz, that is good news indeed. For old times sake I am strongly
> > interested, even if I do most of my modelling in meshes nowadays. Moray
> > had that subtle flavour... :-)
> Yeah, I have only been using the mesh editor in Moray for the last decade or so
> :-). I've tried some other modelling packages to make 3D models, but I just know
> Moray's mesh editor so well, it's way easier to get what I want.
> - Lutz

Do you think there is any chance this will ever be opensource?

I miss it so much. :(

Not sure if I can help but it'd be awesome to get it going again.

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 24 Apr 2020 13:45:01
Message: <web.5ea32544c65f7019fb0b41570@news.povray.org>
"sparthir" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> I am still hanging out for it to be released opensource so we can hack on it to
> get it up to date.  Even if it no longer was primarily for POVRay but rather
> putting out STL files for 3D Printing that would be awesome.
> I mean imagine raytracing your 3D object before you print it even!

True, but with minor modifications to the code, or writing out meta-code to a
file with a macro (as I have done with SVG), you can at least use OpenSCAD
https://www.openscad.org/ to do the 3D printing.

> I feel like since POVRay doesn't have a top quality modeller in line with it's
> raytracer it has really hurt the project.  Shame because I love them both.

It's true - even many of us die-hard SDL-writers would love to have a modeler to
supplement the workflow.  AFAIK, POV-Ray now owns the rights to Moray, and
someone has the code somewhere....

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Modernize Moray
Date: 24 Apr 2020 14:00:01
Message: <web.5ea3283ac65f7019fb0b41570@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> AFAIK, POV-Ray now owns the rights to Moray, and
> someone has the code somewhere....

See here:

It's ... complicated.

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