POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : sketchup to moray - please help me Server Time
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  sketchup to moray - please help me (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: fatnjazzy
Subject: sketchup to moray - please help me
Date: 17 Aug 2005 05:45:01
Message: <web.4303070ce2bbcd4a909c42370@news.povray.org>
im tring to export from sketchup to moray  and i can work it out.
i tryied to import 3ds to PoseRay (it has mdl exporter ), in poseray i see
the file perfect! and the materials , but the file that i get afetr i
export is mdu that moray can read but there is no materials, and if there
is i cant see iy in the liberary in order to edit.

i also used rehindgold3d converter, no geometry and no materials.
and i found on the web 3 tools to convert but nothing came out of it.
same deal with obj
can some one explain it to me?
i realy want to buy moray and use it but i cant if sketchup files will not
fit to moray.

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: sketchup to moray - please help me
Date: 18 Aug 2005 17:32:01
Message: <4304fe51@news.povray.org>
> hi,
> im tring to export from sketchup to moray

I took a quick look at the sketchup web page, unfortunately the current demo
doesn't work on Win98.
Poseray has a User Defined Object (udo) exporter, not the same as a mdl
file. You might want to get your objects into obj format and try Alexander
Enzmann's Mesh Importer (MeshObj.dll). I think this imports obj objects into
Moray. Follow the web page link for the Animation and Rendering plugin on
the Moray web page.

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From: fatnjazzy
Subject: Re: sketchup to moray - please help me
Date: 18 Aug 2005 23:30:01
Message: <web.430551096a9449557041d3100@news.povray.org>
hi thanks for replying...
well, i can see the geometry with no problems at all now, but what about the
i want to be able to edit them?
no matter what i did, there is no way to import the materials into moray?
 thanks again.

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: sketchup to moray - please help me
Date: 19 Aug 2005 06:20:14
Message: <4305b25e@news.povray.org>
> hi thanks for replying...
> well, i can see the geometry with no problems at all now, but what about
> materials?
> i want to be able to edit them?
> no matter what i did, there is no way to import the materials into moray?
>  thanks again.
Materials in Moray are stored in the .mdl file or optionaly in a Material
Libraury .mtx. I'm not aware of any program that can create these, other
than Moray.
One option you can use is to create a  DirectCode material in Moray and
copy/paste the POV-Ray code into this.
When Poseray exports for Moray you should get up to 3 files; myfile.udo,
myfile.inc, myfile_mat.inc. Look in the myfile_mat.inc.


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From: fatnjazzy
Subject: Re: sketchup to moray - please help me
Date: 19 Aug 2005 11:45:00
Message: <web.4305fe086a944955df8a44e10@news.povray.org>
OK, Thanks...
this is it for me, i'm quitting moray.
i will try when the program will be more stable and freindly
thanks again

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